Saturday, February 24, 2007

Poetry Certification Expands Your Viewpoint

Canadian Federation of Poets "Poet's Certification" program

Along with the on-line communities you can choose from, we have just added an Education Certificate program. Each week you will complete a lesson, and post the results on the forum. If you complete all 52 poetry, prose and/or writing lessons, we will send you a beautiful certificate for your wall, and provide you with the confidence to approach any type of poetry.

Then we'll round out the course with lessons such as a 'live poetry reading', poet promotion, goals & targets and getting published to maximize the skills development of a poet. Sign up today and expand your horizons!

Also, if you are an 'expert' on any specific type of poetry that is not yet addressed on the 'curriculum', please submit a mini lesson to us, we'd love to include it.

Start learning more today...

Tracy Repchuk
President and Founder of the Canadian Federation of Poets