Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Irving Miller - CFP Profile

Irving F. Miller

I was born in 1934, in New York City, and educated at New York University, Purdue University, and the University of Michigan. I taught and administered programs in chemical engineering and biomedical engineering for almost 40 years at Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of Akron. I am the author of over 80 refereed articles and book chapters in science and engineering, over 200 abstracts and presentations, have edited and translated several monographs, and have received numerous science and engineering grants and awards. A casual poet for most of my life, I began writing seriously in 1995. Since my retirement from engineering education in 2000, my work has appeared in journals and chapbooks, as well as on several websites. My poems are currently under review by several journals.

Published poems:

“Spaldeen”, in B. Bergan, ed., InPrint, Persiflage Press, Chicago, IL, 2001, 66-67.

“from Sun and Shadow”, The Aurorean: A Poetic Quarterly, Farmington, ME, Vol. XI, Issue 2, 2006, 47.

“Isaac”, Poetica Magazine, Norfolk, VA, November, 2008, 25.

“Last Song”, Meridian Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, Boca Raton, FL, Vol. VI, 2008, 32.

“Forever”, Poetica Magazine, Norfolk, VA, March, 2009, 35.

“Secret Place”, Free Lunch, Glenview, IL, No. 41, Spring, 2009, 32

“Certain Nights”, Poetica Magazine, Norfolk, VA, July, 2009, 8.

“How It Got Into The Talmud”, Kerem, Washington, DC, in press.

Group Chapbooks:

“T. Rex Listens to Poetry”, Big Table Poetry Group Chapbook, The Poetry Center of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2004, 18.

“No One”, Big Table Poetry Group Chapbook, The Poetry Center of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2004, 19-20.

“Blind Man’s Bluff”, Big Table 2005, The Poetry Center of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2006, 25.

“Jabberwock”, Big Table 2005, The Poetry Center of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2006, 26.

Solo Chapbooks:
“Moonburn”, Big Table Publishing Co., Boston, MA, 2009.

“Art Class”, on www.artworkshops.homestead.com, August, 2004.

“Lobster Cove”, on www.monhegan.com, October, 2004.

“Light Scheme”, on www.artworkshops.homestead.com, August, 2005.

“Fog”, on www.monhegan.com, September, 2005.

“Sun and Shadow”, on www.monhegan.com, November, 2005.

“Todai-ji”, on www.illinoispoets.org, April, 2008.

“Miss Murphy Teaches Sex”, Boston Literary Magazine, accepted for publication.

Chicago Public Library, 10th Annual Poetry Fest, April 25, 2009, recorded for rebroadcast on WBEZ Chicago.