Sunday, September 28, 2008

Participate in the Poetry of Marriage Anthology Call

FEATURED Canadian Federation of Poets POETRY CALL

Have you ever heard of a thing called marriage?

The Poetry of Marriage anthology is about union - of people, a blending of elements, a formal or informal agreement. It is what you have either experienced yourself, viewed directly, or have an opinion on. food. A topic that carries with it a memory for everyone.

Remember growing up watching your parents?

Or were they divorced?

How did you feel?

What can you express, share or help someone else with?

Did you ever marry? Divorce? There has to be something cathartic either for yourself, or others.

Have you been married 20 years? 30? 40? Share a special anniversary poem, write one, let others know the path to longevity.

Marriage binds us, creates hope, life, love, family, and it’s an important part of the preservation of mankind.

Whatever it is - share your experiences.

The Poetry of Marriage knows you have a poem to share - so send your submissions before it closes to:

Tony Tremblett -

Get More Details at The Poetry of Marriage Call