Thursday, December 10, 2009

Four Canadian Federation of Poets Launch New Books on the Same Night

Cheryl Xavier, our National Coordinator wants to invite you to the book launch of our own Federation of Poets members who are launching new books.

This is a very exciting as CFP poets hit the publishing world.

Here are the details:

Event: Book launch by In Our Words Inc.,
Fall/Winter catalogue

Swimming to the Surface: A collection of poems by Saskia Maddock

Musings of an Earth Angel: A collection of poems by Linda L. Dowd

On the Wings of Dawn: A collection of poems by Maria Pia Marchelletta

Moonlight Fairy Tales by Flavia Cosma

4 Federation poets launching at the same event!

Chief Guest is the Hon. Jason Kenney,
Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

Mayor Hazel McCallion, Mayor of Mississauga


Friday, December 11, 2009
5.30 pm—8.30 pm


730 Courtneypark Dr W, Mississauga, ON L5W 1L9

If you're in the area, go and congratulate Linda, Saskia,
Flavia and Maria - and get to know our new National
Coordinator - Cheryl Xavier - because she can help you
take your next steps.

If you have any questions - contact Cheryl at:

Have a great week.

Tracy Repchuk

President/Founder of the Canadian Federation of Poets

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

CFP Welcomes New National Coordinator and Oakville Federation Chair

George Arnold

George Arnold, our current National Coordinator is moving to New Zealand, and even though he'll still be a part of the Federation of Poets, and is one of the original members, his hands on approach for our Canadian members will surely be missed, He will continue the CFP tradition in his new home in New Zealand as he joins his wife. His contact will still be the same, so be sure to keep in touch with him.

It has been a joy, a privilege and an honour to work with George all these years, and I deeply wish him much success in his new country.

(George Arnold and President and Founder Tracy Repchuk)

New National Coordinator

Cheryl Xavier is our incoming National Coordinator. Cheryl was an immediate powerhouse for the CFP as she created the Peel-Halton Federation of Poets, and attended numerous events on behalf of the CFP. In addition to her amazing skills, she is also a publisher of poetry books, and has assisted members in their book production cost effectively.

Feel free to contact Cheryl if you're interested in opening up a Federation/Group in your area.

She can be reached at

New Chair for Oakville and Burlington Art Centre Federations

Saskia Maddock is a longstanding member of the Canadian Federation of Poets, a lifelong writer and lover of words, especially poetry. In 2008, she published her first book, life unmasked, comprising poems and short stories. Swimming to the surface is her second collection of poetry. Saskia describes herself as a Renaissance woman, balancing her work life with volunteer work, photography, travel, and devotee of theatre, music, and books. She is Chair of the Oakville Chapter of the Canadian Federation of Poets (CFP) and Burlington Arts Center Federation, Treasurer, Oakville Poetry Alliance, and member of Pelicans, Tower Poetry Society, The Ontario Poetry Society, and Peel Chapter of the CFP. Saskia resides in Oakville, Ontario with her family.