WARNING: The Opportunity Missed
With so many poets getting their works published, I wanted to assist you in how to sell your books online. Many people are making the mistake of only having the books they have listed on one page with a buy now button - however this is a way NOT to sell them. Promote every book separately. Having them on one page is fine - just don't promote that page. Think commercials - one product sells at a time - that is how you promote effectively. Not only is this good for buyer attention span - it is good for your title with Google. Every book you have should have it's own domain name which is the title of your book. Even if the site is one page it should completely focus their attention on just ONE thing - falling in love with, and buying your book! That is why commercials work - focus on one thing only. ie. It should talk about the book from the perspective of what's in it for the reader. Not about you and why you wrote it. ie. This book will transform the way you look at the simple pleasures of life so that all things are renewed for you. And should continue on for quite a while about this. You have to think about the benefits to the reader. Then you talk about you, your story, your accolades, your credibility if it applies. Then you have a BUY NOW button.
If you REALLY want to make it an easy decision, build in value by offering 'free gifts' if they buy today. This won't be something you ship, it is something you provide by a download page and link.
For example: Free Bonus Gifts valued at $29
- Free bookmark (if you ship yourself)
- ebook version of Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass
- find an inspiration quote or picture
- Link to an inspiration video
For my poetry book I gave away reports that linked to my topic. Some people buy because the perceived value of the bonus gifts is more than the cost of the book. Sounds dumb - but that is why infomercials work so well.
Where do you get free stuff to give them - - EVERYTHING up there is up for grabs. It is expired copyright materials. Search poems, poetry, writing poetry, anything that fits your topic. Search google for poetry resell rights. Sometimes you have to pay a small fee but you can give it away over and over again.
Tracy Repchuk
Bestselling Author of 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles
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