Monday, June 01, 2009

Canadian Federation of Poets Author Tony Hellman

The Awakening is more then a book of eloquent poetic words, it is a life style.

What makes Tony’s work so different is that his writing style is motivational, inspirational, and his channeled messages clearly come through in his poems. His message is based on two basic truths, love and fear. These are the only emotions we face each and every day.

Tony chooses love, and works with poetry as a tool to teach others how to tame fear. This book will have a powerful affect on its readers. It will cause an emotional release, eliminating layers of pain. His words motivate you to take action and realize that superlative person that lives in each and every one of us. Tony says, “I ask you not to believe a word I say, as it is based on my experiences and life journey. You need to make your own decisions.”

Read what others are saying about The Awakening….testimonials are posted on

This paperback is available at
Barnes & Noble, and

ISBN: 9781438966342

Signed copies available at Tony Hellman Awakenings

From Tracy Repchuk

Canadian Federation of Poets Founder and President

PS - Join today - Join the Federation of Poets and get promoted