Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Federation of Poets in Action

Canadian Federation of Poets Activity and Updates

Tracy Repchuk -

Interviewed by best selling author promoter Warren Whitlock
as part of his author series

* Invited as a celebrity author for the
"International Association of Aspiring Authors"

* Participated as a featured poet at the Art Day

* Appearing Sept 12-14th in Manhatten Beach, CA at
Bridging to Heart Marketing Event

* Presenting for the Lorman Education Institute on
the Power of Permission-based email

Bonita Summers -
* Poem entitled "Irish Wake" was published in Irish American Post, 2008—v.8 #1, Winter Spring edition;
* Poem entitled "Summer Night on the Farm", published in the Ontario Poetry Society's Verse Afire v.4 #2 , 2008

Graham Ducker -
* Graham Ducker was invited to read one of his two submissions from his book Don’t Wake The Teacher at the Leacock Museum during the Lake Country Literary Lapses in Orillia, August 15/08.

Lucia Gorea -
* will be reading from her last book "Journey Through My Soul," and from her new collection of love poems at "The Word on the Street Book and Magazine Festival" in Vancouver on September 28th, 2008.

Stella and Graham Ducker -
* Founders of the Stellar Literary Festival to be held in September invite you to join in the festivities by attending or send in your greetings if you are unable be there to
and they may be read during the CFP Group readings lead by George Arnold, CFP National Coordinator

Paul Hartal -
* Congratulations to Paul whose original artwork was selected to appear as the cover of The Poetry of Love anthology.