Thursday, May 24, 2007

Choosing an Internet Service Provider

Choosing an Internet Service Provider ISP

Step 2 of setting up a website, is selecting an ISP or Internet Service Provider, which is the service that hosts your website. I thought this would be a good topic as so many poets are becoming internet savvy, and are ready to take the plunge into creating their own website. So before you get the "HTML book for Dummies", you first need to have a place to put your site.

If you purchase your website domain name through companies such as, they also provide free hosting services for small sites. For only $9.95, you can even eliminate the banner. This is a great way to start.

You can also create a free blogger site. A BLOG is an online personal journal, where you can post your poetry, make announcements, or just let the world know what you're up to. It's interactive, and FREE. Go to, open up an account, select a template, and voila, you have a website.

I have 6 blogs, and they are very easy.

Find out more details on what to look for in an Internet Service Provider

And who do I use? Here is one of the ISPs I use

Helping you to get the word out about your poetry.

Tracy Repchuk

President and Founder of the Canadian Federation of Poets

Join one of the fastest growing poetry organizations with 8 Federations around the world and over 100 live events each year. Benefit from the Canadian Federation of Poets