Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Poetry of Food Anthology Announcement
Editor: Laura Murray
Food - Glorious Food - Hot Sausage and Mustard.
There isn't a person on earth that doesn't consume food, think about food, look for food, avoid food, crave food, and generally be preoccupied with it.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, appetizers, junk food, health food, organic, vegetables, fruit, ice cream, literally this topic should have every poet submitting.
You have special foods for religious holidays, traditional foods for Christmas, thanksgiving, food memories of grandma's cooking, the smells that loft from the kitchen, and it is endless to the food derivations that we can recall.
Cotton candy at the fair, popcorn at the movies, a celebratory supper over your promotion, food is connected to so many things that we do.
What about DIE with a T - and the games we play with food to lose the weight. Small portions, foods that call you silently in the night, or invite you to take just one bite.
How about those summer Bar-B-Que's, grilled steak, smoked salmon, smores over an open camp fire, snapped peas fresh off the vine, strawberry picking, apple pie, is any of this getting your food and poetry juices flowing?
Lets go everyone, and get your poems in about the joys or horrors of FOOD.
Laura is waiting to read your poetry, and she is excited to get to know everyone better through FOOD.
Start your next masterpiece.
Go to: www.thepoetryoffood.com
Tracy Repchuk
President of the Canadian Federation of Poets
PS - Become a CFP poetry member
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Participate in the Poetry of Marriage Anthology Call
FEATURED Canadian Federation of Poets POETRY CALL
Have you ever heard of a thing called marriage?
The Poetry of Marriage anthology is about union - of people, a blending of elements, a formal or informal agreement. It is what you have either experienced yourself, viewed directly, or have an opinion on. food. A topic that carries with it a memory for everyone.
Remember growing up watching your parents?
Or were they divorced?
How did you feel?
What can you express, share or help someone else with?
Did you ever marry? Divorce? There has to be something cathartic either for yourself, or others.
Have you been married 20 years? 30? 40? Share a special anniversary poem, write one, let others know the path to longevity.
Marriage binds us, creates hope, life, love, family, and it’s an important part of the preservation of mankind.
Whatever it is - share your experiences.
The Poetry of Marriage knows you have a poem to share - so send your submissions before it closes to:
Tony Tremblett - tonyt@federationofpoets.com
Get More Details at The Poetry of Marriage Call
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Government Broke it, I don't Trust them to FIX IT!
Jim Babka will be speaking in Connecticut this weekend. Details below the signature.
Quote of the Day:
"The government broke it. I don't trust them to fix it."
-- Senator Jim DeMint, Republican, South Carolina
We've heard the Treasury Secretary and the Federal Reserve Chairman make their case for a $700 billion bailout of the financial markets. We're not persuaded. Quite the contrary. We reject their predictions of dire consequences if their plan doesn't pass. We're so convinced of this that we're willing to stake our continued existence on it.
If the economy goes into a deep slump because they didn't pass their bailout plan then charitable contributions will be among the first things cut from family budgets. If we're wrong then we'll be among the many institutions to fail. But we don't believe we're wrong. And we don't believe we'll fail.
In 2003 dire warnings about "weapons of mass destruction" were used to justify an unnecessary war in Iraq. We bucked the tide of public hysteria and dared to claim that there were NO "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq.
We were right, and popular opinion, driven by political fear mongering, was wrong. Now we're being told that our economy is threatened by "financial weapons of mass destruction," and we'll once again buck the hysterical trend by predicting that . . .
There are no "financial weapons of mass destruction" threatening our economy -- except for the $700 billion bailout plan.
We don't believe that mortgage defaults on a mere 3 million homes have the power to halt the mighty American economic engine. It's really that simple.
Many wild claims are being made. Yesterday, on CNBC, Jim Cramer predicted a Great Depression II if the bailout plan isn't passed. Cramer is even willing to let the Democrats cap CEO pay and take ownership positions in troubled firms (socialism), if that's what it takes to pass the bailout plan. Cramer, despite his great intelligence and personal charm, is madly, hysterically, wrong.
In the Great Depression 40% of homes went into foreclosure.
Today the foreclosure rate is only 6%, and the trend is toward fewer foreclosures rather than more.
We're far closer to the end of this problem than we are to the beginning.
Of course, the fear mongers will claim that we had a 40% foreclosure rate in the Great Depression precisely because the government didn't intervene soon enough, and that current foreclosure rates will spiral out of control if the bailout bill isn't passed. This reading of history gets the true story of the Great Depression exactly backwards . . .
The myth is that President Hoover did nothing after the stock market burst in 1929. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Hoover actually began the kinds of interventions that are commonly associated with FDR. Roosevelt was merely copying, and dramatically expanding on what Hoover had already done, not setting a new course. And look at what the results were . . . a Great Depression that lasted for 12 long years!
Hoover and Roosevelt both tried to stop market prices from falling, which is exactly what the current proposal aims to do. But the result in the late 20s and early 30s was that the market never cleared, and so the Depression went on and on and on.
We could have the same thing again today if we allow the government to once again intervene in natural market processes.
The fact is that the politicians, the bureaucrats, and various hysteria mongers, are misleading us. They tell us that the market is frozen, but the fact is that commercial loans are at an all-time high, and even real estate loans ARE HIGHER THAN THEY WERE LAST YEAR! The fact is that . . .
The current "crisis" is mainly centered among the highly leveraged investment banks on Wall Street, but even there the market is far from frozen. Merrill Lynch was able to sell its bad assets and was then bought by Bank of America (which had earlier bought CountryWide).
Does this look like a frozen market to you? It doesn't to us.
And would it really matter if the markets were "frozen?" Inactive markets simply mean that buyers and sellers of assets have a disagreement about what those assets are worth. We must not allow the politicians and the bureaucrats to substitute their judgement for the judgements of buyers and sellers who are, after all, SPENDING THEIR OWN MONEY, whereas the politicians and bureaucrats are asking to spend YOUR MONEY!
We've taken the time, and shown the courtesy, of hearing our "leaders" speak, and having done so, WE REJECT THEIR CLAIMS! THEIR MUST BE NO BAILOUT, OF ANY KIND!
Please be clear about what we're NOT saying. We're NOT saying that things are rosy, or even all that good. As we explained Monday, we're feeling the effects of a FED-generated bubble pop. We are very simply saying that a bailout is wrong-headed and unnecessary, and could even make things worse.
If you agree with us, please tell your elected representatives to OPPOSE ALL BAILOUTS! You can use our generic campaign for cutting federal spending to send your message. Use your personal comments to reject the bailout and to make any of the points we've made in this message, or additional arguments of your own. You can send your message using our Educate the Powerful System.
But don't stop there. Please take the following additional steps . . .
* Call your Representative and your two Senators after you've sent your message
* Pass this Dispatch to others -- SOUND THE ALARM AND SPREAD THE WORD
* Register for a Digg account, and then Digg this message on our blog.
Finally, we've staked our existence on our principals and our best judgement. We expect to thrive, not die. But we are struggling in this economy too. Many DC Downsizers have had to cut their pledges because of the current downturn. Some have lost their jobs. We really need those of you who are still doing well to come to our aid. We especially need new monthly pledges to replace $400 a month we've lost so far this Summer. You can make a contribution here.
Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC army!
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
President & Communications Director
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.
http://www.DownsizeDC.org is sponsored by DownsizeDC.org, Inc. -- a non-profit educational organization promoting the ideas of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, and small government.
You are encouraged to forward this message to friends and business associates, and permission is hereby granted to reproduce any items herein as long as attribution is provided for articles and the subscription instructions above are included.
Quote of the Day:
"The government broke it. I don't trust them to fix it."
-- Senator Jim DeMint, Republican, South Carolina
We've heard the Treasury Secretary and the Federal Reserve Chairman make their case for a $700 billion bailout of the financial markets. We're not persuaded. Quite the contrary. We reject their predictions of dire consequences if their plan doesn't pass. We're so convinced of this that we're willing to stake our continued existence on it.
If the economy goes into a deep slump because they didn't pass their bailout plan then charitable contributions will be among the first things cut from family budgets. If we're wrong then we'll be among the many institutions to fail. But we don't believe we're wrong. And we don't believe we'll fail.
In 2003 dire warnings about "weapons of mass destruction" were used to justify an unnecessary war in Iraq. We bucked the tide of public hysteria and dared to claim that there were NO "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq.
We were right, and popular opinion, driven by political fear mongering, was wrong. Now we're being told that our economy is threatened by "financial weapons of mass destruction," and we'll once again buck the hysterical trend by predicting that . . .
There are no "financial weapons of mass destruction" threatening our economy -- except for the $700 billion bailout plan.
We don't believe that mortgage defaults on a mere 3 million homes have the power to halt the mighty American economic engine. It's really that simple.
Many wild claims are being made. Yesterday, on CNBC, Jim Cramer predicted a Great Depression II if the bailout plan isn't passed. Cramer is even willing to let the Democrats cap CEO pay and take ownership positions in troubled firms (socialism), if that's what it takes to pass the bailout plan. Cramer, despite his great intelligence and personal charm, is madly, hysterically, wrong.
In the Great Depression 40% of homes went into foreclosure.
Today the foreclosure rate is only 6%, and the trend is toward fewer foreclosures rather than more.
We're far closer to the end of this problem than we are to the beginning.
Of course, the fear mongers will claim that we had a 40% foreclosure rate in the Great Depression precisely because the government didn't intervene soon enough, and that current foreclosure rates will spiral out of control if the bailout bill isn't passed. This reading of history gets the true story of the Great Depression exactly backwards . . .
The myth is that President Hoover did nothing after the stock market burst in 1929. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Hoover actually began the kinds of interventions that are commonly associated with FDR. Roosevelt was merely copying, and dramatically expanding on what Hoover had already done, not setting a new course. And look at what the results were . . . a Great Depression that lasted for 12 long years!
Hoover and Roosevelt both tried to stop market prices from falling, which is exactly what the current proposal aims to do. But the result in the late 20s and early 30s was that the market never cleared, and so the Depression went on and on and on.
We could have the same thing again today if we allow the government to once again intervene in natural market processes.
The fact is that the politicians, the bureaucrats, and various hysteria mongers, are misleading us. They tell us that the market is frozen, but the fact is that commercial loans are at an all-time high, and even real estate loans ARE HIGHER THAN THEY WERE LAST YEAR! The fact is that . . .
The current "crisis" is mainly centered among the highly leveraged investment banks on Wall Street, but even there the market is far from frozen. Merrill Lynch was able to sell its bad assets and was then bought by Bank of America (which had earlier bought CountryWide).
Does this look like a frozen market to you? It doesn't to us.
And would it really matter if the markets were "frozen?" Inactive markets simply mean that buyers and sellers of assets have a disagreement about what those assets are worth. We must not allow the politicians and the bureaucrats to substitute their judgement for the judgements of buyers and sellers who are, after all, SPENDING THEIR OWN MONEY, whereas the politicians and bureaucrats are asking to spend YOUR MONEY!
We've taken the time, and shown the courtesy, of hearing our "leaders" speak, and having done so, WE REJECT THEIR CLAIMS! THEIR MUST BE NO BAILOUT, OF ANY KIND!
Please be clear about what we're NOT saying. We're NOT saying that things are rosy, or even all that good. As we explained Monday, we're feeling the effects of a FED-generated bubble pop. We are very simply saying that a bailout is wrong-headed and unnecessary, and could even make things worse.
If you agree with us, please tell your elected representatives to OPPOSE ALL BAILOUTS! You can use our generic campaign for cutting federal spending to send your message. Use your personal comments to reject the bailout and to make any of the points we've made in this message, or additional arguments of your own. You can send your message using our Educate the Powerful System.
But don't stop there. Please take the following additional steps . . .
* Call your Representative and your two Senators after you've sent your message
* Pass this Dispatch to others -- SOUND THE ALARM AND SPREAD THE WORD
* Register for a Digg account, and then Digg this message on our blog.
Finally, we've staked our existence on our principals and our best judgement. We expect to thrive, not die. But we are struggling in this economy too. Many DC Downsizers have had to cut their pledges because of the current downturn. Some have lost their jobs. We really need those of you who are still doing well to come to our aid. We especially need new monthly pledges to replace $400 a month we've lost so far this Summer. You can make a contribution here.
Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC army!
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
President & Communications Director
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.
http://www.DownsizeDC.org is sponsored by DownsizeDC.org, Inc. -- a non-profit educational organization promoting the ideas of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, and small government.
You are encouraged to forward this message to friends and business associates, and permission is hereby granted to reproduce any items herein as long as attribution is provided for articles and the subscription instructions above are included.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
AIG Bailout a Crime Against the American People
I was sent this the other day, and it reminded me that the power of our words make a difference, because if enough heed the warnings, perhaps we won't allow ourselves to be herded into the financial abyss that white collar crime, wallstreet and the current administration are attempting to pass without any thoughts as to the CEO irresponsibility and accountability manufactured in the first place. A crime has been committed, and we are about to not only skip the investigation part of it (for the sake of the people and their retirement funds), but award those that created the situation in the first place. So if you have a last breath or the ability to write, do what you can to stop the legislation from passing, and let it be known that the pen is mightier than the sword - or incompetent government in this case.
While Millions of Americans struggle every day - this is where we want to put our hard earned tax dollars?
I encourage you to support anyone that fights crime, and gets in the way of injustice. If we don't stick together in times like this, we will be cowering alone in a Brave New World.
Dear Friends,
Whenever a Great Bipartisan Consensus is announced, and a compliant media assures everyone that the wondrous actions of our wise leaders are being taken for our own good, you can know with absolute certainty that disaster is about to strike.
The events of the past week are no exception.
The bailout package that is about to be rammed down Congress' throat is not just economically foolish. It is downright sinister. It makes a mockery of our Constitution, which our leaders should never again bother pretending is still in effect. It promises the American people a never-ending nightmare of ever-greater debt liabilities they will have to shoulder. Two weeks ago, financial analyst Jim Rogers said the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made America more communist than China! "This is welfare for the rich," he said. "This is socialism for the rich. It's bailing out the financiers, the banks, the Wall Streeters."
That describes the current bailout package to a T. And we're being told it's unavoidable.
The claim that the market caused all this is so staggeringly foolish that only politicians and the media could pretend to believe it. But that has become the conventional wisdom, with the desired result that those responsible for the credit bubble and its predictable consequences - predictable, that is, to those who understand sound, Austrian economics - are being let off the hook. The Federal Reserve System is actually positioning itself as the savior, rather than the culprit, in this mess!
• The Treasury Secretary is authorized to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage-related assets at any one time. That means $700 billion is only the very beginning of what will hit us.
• Financial institutions are "designated as financial agents of the Government." This is the New Deal to end all New Deals.
• Then there's this: "Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency." Translation: the Secretary can buy up whatever junk debt he wants to, burden the American people with it, and be subject to no one in the process.
There goes your country.
Even some so-called free-market economists are calling all this "sadly necessary." Sad, yes. Necessary? Don't make me laugh.
Our one-party system is complicit in yet another crime against the American people.
The two major party candidates for president themselves initially indicated their strong support for bailouts of this kind - another example of the big choice we're supposedly presented with this November: yes or yes. Now, with a backlash brewing, they're not quite sure what their views are. A sad display, really.
Although the present bailout package is almost certainly not the end of the political atrocities we'll witness in connection with the crisis, time is short. Congress may vote as soon as tomorrow. With a Rasmussen poll finding support for the bailout at an anemic seven percent, some members of Congress are afraid to vote for it. Call them! Let them hear from you! Tell them you will never vote for anyone who supports this atrocity.
The issue boils down to this: do we care about freedom?
Do we care about responsibility and accountability?
Do we care that our government and media have been bought and paid for?
Do we care that average Americans are about to be looted in order to subsidize the fattest of cats on Wall Street and in government?
Do we care?
When the chips are down, will we stand up and fight, even if it means standing up against every stripe of fashionable opinion in politics and the media?
Times like these have a way of telling us what kind of a people we are, and what kind of country we shall be.
In liberty,
Ron Paul
PS - Please call your senators and reps and tell them you won't vote for anyone who approves this without it being given the scrutiny of sound economic planning. They DO take a note of your call and analyze the stats. They will answer the phone and ask your name and address, sometimes just your zip code. If possible try to talk to their staff rather than leave a message.
And please recommend that your friends and contacts do the same.
If you live in California:
Barbara Boxer - DC 202-224-3553 SF 415 403 0100
Diane Feinstein - 202-224-3841 - 415/393-0707
Find your representative here.
While Millions of Americans struggle every day - this is where we want to put our hard earned tax dollars?
I encourage you to support anyone that fights crime, and gets in the way of injustice. If we don't stick together in times like this, we will be cowering alone in a Brave New World.
Dear Friends,
Whenever a Great Bipartisan Consensus is announced, and a compliant media assures everyone that the wondrous actions of our wise leaders are being taken for our own good, you can know with absolute certainty that disaster is about to strike.
The events of the past week are no exception.
The bailout package that is about to be rammed down Congress' throat is not just economically foolish. It is downright sinister. It makes a mockery of our Constitution, which our leaders should never again bother pretending is still in effect. It promises the American people a never-ending nightmare of ever-greater debt liabilities they will have to shoulder. Two weeks ago, financial analyst Jim Rogers said the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made America more communist than China! "This is welfare for the rich," he said. "This is socialism for the rich. It's bailing out the financiers, the banks, the Wall Streeters."
That describes the current bailout package to a T. And we're being told it's unavoidable.
The claim that the market caused all this is so staggeringly foolish that only politicians and the media could pretend to believe it. But that has become the conventional wisdom, with the desired result that those responsible for the credit bubble and its predictable consequences - predictable, that is, to those who understand sound, Austrian economics - are being let off the hook. The Federal Reserve System is actually positioning itself as the savior, rather than the culprit, in this mess!
• The Treasury Secretary is authorized to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage-related assets at any one time. That means $700 billion is only the very beginning of what will hit us.
• Financial institutions are "designated as financial agents of the Government." This is the New Deal to end all New Deals.
• Then there's this: "Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency." Translation: the Secretary can buy up whatever junk debt he wants to, burden the American people with it, and be subject to no one in the process.
There goes your country.
Even some so-called free-market economists are calling all this "sadly necessary." Sad, yes. Necessary? Don't make me laugh.
Our one-party system is complicit in yet another crime against the American people.
The two major party candidates for president themselves initially indicated their strong support for bailouts of this kind - another example of the big choice we're supposedly presented with this November: yes or yes. Now, with a backlash brewing, they're not quite sure what their views are. A sad display, really.
Although the present bailout package is almost certainly not the end of the political atrocities we'll witness in connection with the crisis, time is short. Congress may vote as soon as tomorrow. With a Rasmussen poll finding support for the bailout at an anemic seven percent, some members of Congress are afraid to vote for it. Call them! Let them hear from you! Tell them you will never vote for anyone who supports this atrocity.
The issue boils down to this: do we care about freedom?
Do we care about responsibility and accountability?
Do we care that our government and media have been bought and paid for?
Do we care that average Americans are about to be looted in order to subsidize the fattest of cats on Wall Street and in government?
Do we care?
When the chips are down, will we stand up and fight, even if it means standing up against every stripe of fashionable opinion in politics and the media?
Times like these have a way of telling us what kind of a people we are, and what kind of country we shall be.
In liberty,
Ron Paul
PS - Please call your senators and reps and tell them you won't vote for anyone who approves this without it being given the scrutiny of sound economic planning. They DO take a note of your call and analyze the stats. They will answer the phone and ask your name and address, sometimes just your zip code. If possible try to talk to their staff rather than leave a message.
And please recommend that your friends and contacts do the same.
If you live in California:
Barbara Boxer - DC 202-224-3553 SF 415 403 0100
Diane Feinstein - 202-224-3841 - 415/393-0707
Find your representative here.
Friday, September 19, 2008
28 Recommended Publishing Agents
Great article you should find helpful
Have a great day.
Tracy Repchuk
28 Agents Who Want Your Work
August 25, 2008
by Chuck Sambuchino
As compiled by Writer’s Digest who has assembled a list of literary agents who are building their client rosters and are open to working with new writers. Our agent guide features a variety of pros—some brand new and others tried and true—representing a variety of categories and genres. This year, instead of listing entire agencies, we’ve listed individual agents. When you’re looking at information for an entire agency, it’s not always easy to tell which reps are truly seeking new writers and which ones don’t have time to brave the slush pile. This method allows you to target specific professionals who have confirmed to WD that they’re open to queries from new writers.
What do agents do?
Literary agents act as gatekeepers; they take the best new material and submit it to publishing houses for consideration. Because editors at these houses—especially the larger ones—are so busy, they lack the time to properly review book submissions. That’s where agents come in. They sift through a lot of bad writing and find the fledgling authors, and in exchange for representing their projects, an agent takes 15 percent of all money earned, should a sale go through.
Speaking of money, know that legitimate agents shouldn’t charge fees to evaluate your work or sign you as a client (and none listed here do). Some of the agents are members of the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR), meaning they adhere to a canon of ethics when dealing with clients.
Beware of agents who ask for evaluation fees, submission fees, editing costs or anything else along those lines. An agent makes money when you make money. The only time you should ever pay one early is to help offset office costs incurred while trying to sell your project, such as copying, mailings, postage, etc. An agent’s role is to find excellent work in the slush pile and sell it.
In today’s literary marketplace, you’ll likely need an agent to sell your work—especially if you’re selling fiction. A writer can sometimes sell nonfiction without an agent, and perhaps even niche fiction, but more than likely, you’ll require a rep.
Do your homework and thoroughly revise your manuscript. Then, peruse the WD list and find your agent match.
NOTE: Before sending out your work to agents on this list—or any agent for that matter—be sure to read:
10 Submission Tips for Querying an Agent
Joy Harris
Joy Harris Literary Agency, 156 Fifth Ave., Suite 617, New York NY 10010. Phone: (212)924-6269. Fax: (212)924-6609. Contact: Joy Harris. Seeking new and established writers. Member of AAR. Stats: Represents more than 100 clients. 50% nonfiction books; 50% novels. Fiction areas of interest: ethnic, experimental, family saga, feminist, gay/lesbian, glitz, hi-lo, historical, humor/satire, literary, mainstream/contemporary, multicultural, multimedia, mystery/suspense, regional, short story collections, spiritual, translation, young adult, women’s. How to Contact: Query with sample chapter, outline/proposal, SASE. No e-mail or fax queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Returns materials only with SASE. Does not want to receive: screenplays. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Charges clients for some office expenses.
Catt LeBaigue
Heacock Literary Agency, Inc., 1020 Hollywood Way, No. 439, Burbank, CA 91505. Member of AAR. E-mail: catt@heacockliteraryagency.com. heacockliteraryagency.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Ms. LeBaigue spent 18 years with Sony Pictures and Warner Bros. Member of AAR, SCBWI. Actively seeking: juvenile fiction, adult nonfiction including arts, crafts, anthropology, astronomy, nature studies, ecology, body/mind/spirit, humanities, self-help. How to contact: E-mail queries only. No unsolicited manuscripts. No e-mail attachments. Offers written contract. Tips: “Take time to write an informative e-query letter expressing your book idea, the market for it, your qualifications to write the book, the ‘hook’ that would make a potential reader buy the book.”
Sorche Fairbank
Fairbank Literary Representation, 199 Mount Auburn St., Suite 1, Cambridge MA 02138-4809. Phone: (617)576-0030. Fax: (617)576-0030. E-mail: queries@fairbankliterary.com. fairbankliterary.com. Stats: Represents 40 clients. 20% of clients are new/unpublished writers; handles 60% nonfiction books, 22% novels, 3% short story collections, 15% illustrated. Specializes in: “I tend to gravitate toward literary fiction and narrative nonfiction, with a strong interest in women’s issues and women’s voices, international voices, class and race issues, and projects that simply teach me something new about the greater world and society around us.” Nonfiction areas of interest: agriculture/horticulture, art/architecture/design, biography/autobiography, cooking/foods/nutrition , crafts/hobbies, current affairs
ethnic/cultural interests, gay/lesbian issues, government/politics/law, how-to, interior design/decorating, memoirs, nature/environment, photography, popular culture, science/technology, sociology, sports, true crime/investigative, women’s issues/studies. Fiction areas of interest: action/adventure, feminist, gay/lesbian, literary, mainstream/contemporary, mystery/suspense, thriller, women’s, Southern voices. How to Contact: Query with SASE, and submit author bio. Accepts e-mail queries. No fax queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries; 10 weeks to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Does not want to receive: romance, poetry, science fiction, young adult or children’s works. Recent Sales: Tale of Two Subs, by Jonathan J. McCullough (Grand Central); 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School, by Matthew Frederick (MIT Press); Invisible Sisters, by Jessica Handler (Public Affairs); Bent Objects, by Terry Border (Running Press); To Full Term: A Mother’s Triumph Over Miscarriage, by Darci Hamilton-Klein (Berkley/Penguin); Spirit of Summer: At Home in the Thousand Islands, by Kathleen Quigley (Rizzoli); The Uncommon Quilter, by Jeanne Williamson (Potter Craft/Crown); Solar Revolution, by Travis Bradford (The MIT Press). Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Tips: “Have a reason for contacting me about your project other than I was the next name listed on some Web site. Please do not use form query software! Have the writing and/or proposal at the very, very best it can be before starting the querying process. Don’t assume that if someone likes it enough they’ll ‘fix’ it. The biggest mistake new writers make is starting the querying process before they—and the work—are ready. Take your time and do it right.”
Jenni Ferrari-Adler
Brickhouse Lit, 80 Fifth Ave., Suite 1101, New York, NY 10011. Phone: (212) 675-5556. E-mail: jenni@brickhouselit.com. Brickhouselit.com. Prior to her current position, Ms. Ferrari-Adler was with Sobel Weber Associates. Specializes in: literary fiction, narrative nonfiction and commercial fiction. Other nonfiction areas of interest include history, memoir, women’s, cookbooks and cultural studies. How to contact: Query by e-mail, or query by snail mail with a SASE. Terms: Agent receives 15% on domestic sales.
Winifred Golden
Castiglia Literary Agency, 1155 Camino Del Mar, Suite 510, Del Mar CA 92014. Phone: (858)755-8761. Fax: (858)755-7063. http://home.earthlink.net/~mwgconference/id22.html. Actively seeking: Literary fiction, ethnic fiction, suspense, thrillers, commercial fiction and science fiction. She will consider nonfiction if the author has expertise and high credentials. Her nonfiction subjects of interest are broad, but she is heavily interested in narrative nonfiction and health/medicine. How to Contact: Send a snail mail query with SASE. Include no more than five pages. Send no unsolicited manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Deborah Ritchken
Castiglia Literary Agency, 1155 Camino Del Mar, Suite 510, Del Mar CA 92014. Phone: (858)755-8761. Fax: (858)755-7063. http://home.earthlink.net/~mwgconference/id22.html. Actively seeking: cookbooks, lifestyle books and literary fiction. How to Contact: Send a snail mail query with SASE. Include no more than five pages. Send no unsolicited manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Sally van Haitsma
Castiglia Literary Agency, 1155 Camino Del Mar, Suite 510, Del Mar CA 92014. Phone: (858)755-8761. Fax: (858)755-7063.
http://home.earthlink.net/~mwgconference/id22.html. Actively seeking: all kinds of nonfiction by authors with a platform and credentials, as well as literary, commercial, women’s and ethnic fiction. How to Contact: Send a snail mail query with SASE. Include no more than five pages. Send no unsolicited manuscripts or proposals. Returns materials only with SASE. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Nancy Love
Nancy Love Literary Agency, 250 E. 65th St., New York NY 10065-6614. Phone: (212)980-3499. Fax: (212)308-6405. E-mail: nloveag@aol.com. This agency is interested solely in nonfiction at this time. Member of AAR. Stats: represents 60-80 clients. 25% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Specializes in: adult nonfiction. Nonfiction areas of interest: biography/autobiography, child guidance/parenting, cooking/foods/nutrition, current affairs, ethnic/cultural interests, government/politics/law, health/medicine, history, how-to, nature/environment, popular culture, psychology, religious/inspirational, science/technology, self-help/personal improvement, sociology, spirituality, travel (armchair only, no how-to), true crime/investigative, women’s issues/studies. How to Contact: Query with SASE. No fax queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; 6 weeks to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Actively seeking: narrative nonfiction. Recent Sales: The Monster in the Corner Office, by Patricia King (Adams); Building Better Brains, by Judy Willis (Sourcebooks); The New Native American Cuisine, by Marian Betancourt (Globe Pequot); Addiction Proof Your Child, by Stanton Peele (Random House); Murder in the Silver City, by Annamaria Alfieri (St. Martin’s); Germ Proof Your Kids, by Harley Rotbart (ASM Press). Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Tips: “Nonfiction authors and/or collaborators must be an authority in their subject area and have a platform. Send an SASE if you want a response.”
Ellen Pepus
Ellen Pepus Literary Agency, 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, #106-233, Washington DC 20016. Phone: (301)896-0185. Fax: (301)896-0185. E-mail: ellen@epliterary.com. epliterary.com. New agency actively seeking clients—especially nonfiction. Prior to her current position, Ms. Pepus was employed at Graybill & English Literary Agency. She worked in foreign rights as well. Specializes in: Narrative nonfiction. Nonfiction areas of interest: animals, anthropology/archaeology, art/architecture/design, biography/autobiography, child guidance/parenting, cooking/foods/nutrition, crafts/hobbies, current affairs, ethnic/cultural interests, gay/lesbian issues, government/politics/law, health/medicine, history, how-to, humor/satire, interior design/decorating, language/literature/criticism, memoir, military/war, money/finance, music/dance, nature/environment, new age/metaphysics, photography, popular culture, psychology, science/technology, self-help/personal improvement, sociology, translation, true crime/investigative, women’s issues/studies. Fiction areas of interest: action/adventure, detective/police/crime, erotica, ethnic, family saga, fantasy, feminist, gay/lesbian, historical, literary, mainstream/contemporary, mystery/suspense, psychic/supernatural, romance, thriller, women’s. How to Contact: Query with SASE. Submit first 5 pages. E-queries only. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 8 weeks to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Actively seeking: literary and commercial fiction, narrative nonfiction. Does not want to receive: children’s, young adult, poetry, short stories, screenplays, science fiction or horror. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Tips: This new agency is looking for clients, but its submission guidelines may be in flux; check the Web site for any news before submitting.
Rachelle Gardner
Wordserve Literary, 10152 S. Knoll Circle, Highlands Ranch CO 80130. Phone: (303)471-6675. E-mail: rachelle@wordserveliterary.com. wordserveliterary.com. Established: 2003. Specializes in: materials with a faith-based angle—primarily religious books in these categories: nonfiction, fiction, short story collections, novellas, as well as books that express a Christian worldview, whether the message is subtle or overt. Fiction areas of interest: women’s, mystery, suspense, police/crime, family saga, historical, legal, literary, mainstream, supernatural, romance. (In fiction, the Christian message should be subtly woven through, not in-your-face.) Kids’ fiction areas of interest: chapter books, middle grade, tweens, teens and YA. Nonfiction areas of interest: biblical, Christian living, church, devotionals, home life, marriage, parenting, family, apologetics, pastoral, current affairs, health, how-to, humor, memoirs, money, popular culture, psychology, science, self-help, true crime, women’s issues. Does not want to receive: picture books, poetry, short stories, screenplays, science fiction, fantasy; or anything that contradicts a Christian worldview. How to Contact: Query with SASE. For nonfiction, send a proposal package, outline, 2-3 sample chapters. Accepts e-mail queries, simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4 weeks to queries, 2 months to manuscripts. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales.
Caren Johnson
Caren Johnson Literary Agency, 132 East 43rd St., No. 216, New York NY 10017. Fax: (718)228-8785. E-mail: cjohnson@johnsonlitagency.com. carenjohnson.com. Prior to her current position, Ms. Johnson was with Firebrand Literary and the Peter Rubie Agency. Established: 2006. Represents 20 clients. Actively seeking: nonfiction, specifically in the areas of social sciences, economics, pop culture, humor, lifestyle and crafts. Nonfiction areas of interest: history, popular culture, science/technology. fiction areas of interest: detective/police/crime, erotica, ethnic, mainstream/contemporary, mystery/suspense, romance, young adult, women’s. How to Contact: Query with SASE. Query via e-mail only, with query and up to one chapter in the body of the e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4-6 weeks to queries; 6-8 weeks to manuscripts. Does not return submissions. Does not want to receive picture books, plays or screenplays/scripts. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Writer’s Conferences: RWA National; Romantic Times Conference; Backspace; BookExpo America; Moonlight and Magnolias.
Jenoyne Adams
Bliss Literary, 1601 N. Sepulveda Blvd., #389, Manhattan Beach CA 90266. E-mail: query@blissliterary.com. blissliterary.com. Prior to her current position, Ms. Adams was with Levine Greenberg Literary Agency. Member of AAR. Nonfiction areas of interest: narrative nonfiction, ethnic/multicultural writing books and work that deals strongly with women’s issues and parenting. Fiction areas of interest: adult fiction, including literary novels and commercial fiction should make you laugh, and entertain you, but it should also make you think. Actively seeking: Middle grade, YA fiction and nonfiction, graphic novel. How to contact: E-queries preferred, with a detailed letter, contact information (including phone number) and one chapter and/or a synopsis in the body of the message (attachments will not be opened). You will receive a response to verify that your query was received. Do not send more unless requested. Responds in up to 8 weeks to queries. For nonfiction, include pertinent bio and platform information.
Jennie Dunham
Dunham Literary, 156 Fifth Ave., Suite 625, New York NY 10010-7002. Phone: (212)929-0994. dunhamlit.com. Prior to opening her agency, Ms. Dunham worked as a literary agent for Russell & Volkening. The Rhoda Weyr Agency is now a division of Dunham Literary, Inc. Member of AAR. Stats: Represents 50 clients. 15% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles 25% nonfiction books, 25% novels, 50% juvenile books. Actively seeking: Literary fiction and adult nonfiction as well as YA and middle grade work. Nonfiction areas of interest: anthropology/archaeology, biography/autobiography, ethnic/cultural interests, government/politics/law, health/medicine, history, language/literature/criticism, nature/environment, popular culture, psychology, science/technology, women’s issues/studies. How to Contact: Query with SASE. No e-mail or fax queries. Responds in 1 week to queries; 2 months to manuscripts. Recent Sales: America the Beautiful, by Robert Sabuda; Dahlia, by Barbara McClintock; Living Dead Girl, by Tod Goldberg; In My Mother’s House, by Margaret McMulla; Black Hawk Down, by Mark Bowden; Look Back All the Green Valley, by Fred Chappell; Under a Wing, by Reeve Lindbergh; I Am Madame X, by Gioia Diliberto.
Mary Sue Seymour
The Seymour Agency, 475 Miner St., Canton NY 13617. Phone: (315)386-1831
E-mail: marysue@slic.com. theseymouragency.com. Established: 1992. Member of AAR
RWA, Authors Guild. Signatory of WGA. Stats: Represents 50% nonfiction books, 50% fiction. Nonfiction areas of interest: business/economics, health/medicine, how-to, self-help/personal improvement, Christian books, cookbooks, any well-written nonfiction that includes a proposal in standard format and one sample chapter. Fiction areas of interest: religious/inspirational (Christian books), romance (any type). How to Contact: Query with SASE. Submit synopsis, first 50 pages for romance. Accepts e-mail queries. No fax queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries; 3 months to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Terms: Agent receives 12-15% commission on domestic sales. Writers’ Conferences: BookExpo America; Start Your Engines; Romantic Times Convention; ICE Escape Writers Conference; Spring Into Romance; Silicon Valley RWA Conference; Put Your Heart in a Book; RWA National.
Verna Dreisbach
Dreisbach Literary, P.O. Box 5379, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762. E-mail: verna@dreisbachliterary.com. Dreisbachliterary.com. Fiction areas of interest: Commercial and literary fiction, mystery, suspense, thriller, commercial women’s fiction, young adult, Native-American Indian. Verna’s 13 years of law enforcement experience as a former police officer gives her a genuine interest and expertise in the genres of mystery, true crime, and suspense. Her other interests include horses and natural horsemanship training. Nonfiction areas of interest: Travel writing, self-help, parenting, business,
pets, health, true crime, and any fresh, compelling idea that is matched with a strong platform. Specializes in: “I work directly with packaging authors and ideas for such series books as The Idiot’s Guides and The Everything Guides, and believe in helping authors break into the world of writing through these types of guide books. If you have an idea for a guide book, are an expert in a field that you believe should have a one, or would like to be a writer for one of these projects in conjunction with an expert, please send me your resume.” Does not want to receive: No sci-fi or horror. How to contact: E-queries preferred. No attachments. Do not send proposals, sample chapters or manuscripts unless specifically requested by an agent. They will not be opened or returned. Please indicate if you are simultaneously submitting to other agents.
Lindsay Davis
Writers House, 3368 Governor Drive, #224F, San Diego, CA 92122. Phone: (858)678-8638. Fax: (858)678-8530. E-mail: ldavis@writershouse.com. writershouse.com. Specializes in: “I represent children’s and young adult authors and artists exclusively.” Actively seeking: picture books, tween, YA, and middle grade. How to contact: Send a query letter of no more than two pages, which includes your credentials, an explanation of what makes your book unique and special, and a synopsis. Also, please include a SASE for a reply, which generally takes 6-8 weeks. Reviews manuscripts exclusively. Do not query Ms. Davis if you have already queried another agent at Writers House.
Adam Chromy
Artists and Artisans, 104 W. 29th St. 11th Floor, New York NY 10001. Fax: (212)931-8377. E-mail: adam@artistsandartisans.com. artistsandartisans.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Mr. Chromy was an entrepreneur in the technology field for nearly a decade. Specializes in: narrative nonfiction as long as the writing is exceptional and the authors have something truly unique to say. He is also interested in practical nonfiction from authors with strong platforms and/or a point of view that challenges the status quo. The agency represents a broad spectrum of categories, including most genres of adult fiction and nonfiction. How to contact: All fiction queries must include a brief author’s bio, and the setup or premise for the book. Snail mail queries are acceptable, though manuscripts will be not be returned. E-queries should start have the subject line “Query: (Your Title)”. Does not want to receive: screenplays, photo or children’s books. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 4 weeks to manuscripts. Terms: Receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales.
Jamie Brenner
Artists and Artisans, 104 W. 29th St. 11th Floor, New York NY 10001. Fax: (212)931-8377. E-mail: jamie@artistsandartisans.com. artistsandartisans.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Ms. Brenner spent the past decade in book publishing. Her experience includes literary publicity (HarperCollins Publishers), book selling (BarnesandNoble.com), and manuscript analysis and book scouting for major film companies (Miramax Films, Davis Entertainment). Specializes in: thrillers, horror, women’s fiction, literary fiction, memoir, and books about pop culture/entertainment. She is happy to read first-time writers. The agency represents a broad spectrum of categories, including most genres of adult fiction and nonfiction. How to contact: All fiction queries must include a brief author’s bio, and the setup or premise for the book. Snail mail queries are acceptable, though manuscripts will be not be returned. E-queries should start have the subject line “Query: (Your Title)”. Does not want to receive: screenplays, photo or children’s books. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 4 weeks to manuscripts. Terms: Receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales.
Barbara Doyen
Barbara Doyen Literary Agency, 1931 660th St., Newell IA 50568-7613. Phone: (712)272-3300. barbaradoyen.com. Prior to opening her agency, Ms. Doyen worked as a published author, teacher, guest speaker, and wrote and appeared in her own weekly TV show airing in seven states. She is also the co-author of The Everything Guide to Writing a Book Proposal (Adams 2005) and The Everything Guide to Getting Published (Adams 2006). Represents more than 100 clients. Specializes in: This agency specializes in nonfiction and occasionally handles mainstream fiction for adults. Nonfiction subjects of interest: agriculture/horticulture, Americana, animals, anthropology/archaeology, art/architecture/design, biography/autobiography, business/economics, child guidance/parenting, computers/electronic, cooking/foods/nutrition, crafts/hobbies, current affairs, education, ethnic/cultural interests, gardening, government/politics/law, health/medicine, history, how-to, interior design/decorating, language/literature/criticism, memoirs, military/war, money/finance, multicultural, music/dance, nature/environment, new age/metaphysics, philosophy, photography, popular culture, psychology, recreation, regional, religious/inspirational, science/technology, self-help/personal improvement, sex, sociology, software, spirituality, theater/film, travel, true crime/investigative, women’s issues/studies, young adult, creative nonfiction. Fiction areas of interest: family saga, historical, literary, mainstream/contemporary. How to Contact: Query with SASE. Snail mail queries preferred, but you can submit a query on the Web site as well. Include bio/background info. Send no unsolicited samples. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to mss. Returns materials only with SASE. Actively seeking business, health, how-to, self-help, and all kinds of adult nonfiction suitable for the major trade publishers. Does not want to receive: pornography, children’s books, or poetry. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Jeffery McGraw
August Agency. E-mail: submissions@augustagency.com. augustagency.com. Before becoming an agent, Mr. McGraw worked as an editor for HarperCollins and publicity manager for Abrams. Specializes in: politics/current affairs, entertainment, business, psychology, self-help, narrative nonfiction, contemporary women’s fiction, literary fiction. Actively seeking: “We actively pursue an array of fiction and nonfiction writers to represent, with an emphasis in media (seasoned journalists receive special favor here), popular culture/entertainment, political science, diet/fitness, health, cookbooks, psychology, business, memoir, highly creative nonfiction, accessible literary fiction, women’s fiction, and high-concept mysteries and thrillers. When it comes to nonfiction, we favor persuasive and prescriptive works with a full-bodied narrative command and an undeniable contemporary relevance. Our favorite novelists are as eclectic as our minds are broad, yet they all share one common denominator that might explain a peculiar predisposition for what we prefer to call ‘emotional fiction’—a brand of storytelling defined not so much by a novel’s category as by its extraordinary power to resonate universally on a deeply emotional level.” Does not want to receive: academic textbooks, children’s books, cozy mysteries, horror, poetry, science fiction/fantasy, short story collections, Western’s, screenplays, genre romance or previously self-published works. How to Contact: Submit book summary (1-2 paragraphs), chapter outline (nonfiction only), first 1,000 words or first chapter, total page/word count, brief paragraph on why you have chosen to write the book. Send via e-mail only (no attachments). Responds in 2-3 weeks to queries; 3 months to manuscripts. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Cricket Pechstein
August Agency. E-mail: submissions@augustagency.com. augustagency.com. Before opening The August Agency, Ms. Pechstein was a freelance writer, magazine editor and independent literary agent. Specializes in: mystery/crime fiction, chick lit, thrillers. Actively seeking: “We actively pursue an array of fiction and nonfiction writers to represent, with an emphasis in media (seasoned journalists receive special favor here), popular culture/entertainment, political science, diet/fitness, health, cookbooks, psychology, business, memoir, highly creative nonfiction, accessible literary fiction, women’s fiction, and high-concept mysteries and thrillers. When it comes to nonfiction, we favor persuasive and prescriptive works with a full-bodied narrative command and an undeniable contemporary relevance. Our favorite novelists are as eclectic as our minds are broad, yet they all share one common denominator that might explain a peculiar predisposition for what we prefer to call ‘emotional fiction’—a brand of storytelling defined not so much by a novel’s category as by its extraordinary power to resonate universally on a deeply emotional level.” Does not want to receive: academic textbooks, children’s books, cozy mysteries, horror, poetry, science fiction/fantasy, short story collections, Western’s, screenplays, genre romance or previously self-published works. How to Contact: Submit book summary (1-2 paragraphs), chapter outline (nonfiction only), first 1,000 words or first chapter, total page/word count, brief paragraph on why you have chosen to write the book. Send via e-mail only (no attachments). Responds in 2-3 weeks to queries; 3 months to manuscripts. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract
Evatopia, 400 S. Beverly Drive, Suite 214, Beverly Hills CA 90212. E-mail: submissions@evatopia.com. evatopia.com. Prior to becoming a literary and script manager, Ms. Walshaw was a writer and publicist for the entertainment industry. Stats: Represents 15 clients. 85% of clients are new/unpublished writers. “We specialize in promoting and developing the careers of first-time writers and screenwriters. All of our staff members have strong writing and entertainment backgrounds, making us sympathetic to the needs of our clients.” Actively seeking: middle grade, YA and some nonfiction (mostly biographies). Specializes in: Though Evatopia previously focused solely on movie scripts (numerous genres), it has recently expanded to represent juvenile literary as well. How to Contact: Submit via online submission form. Accepts e-mail queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 3 weeks to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 15% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Sharlene Martin
Martin Literary Management, 17328 Ventura Blvd., Suite 138, Encino (LA) CA 91316. Phone: (818)595-1130. Fax: (818)715-0418. E-mail: sharlene@martinliterarymanagement.com. MartinLiteraryManagement.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Ms. Martin worked in film/TV production and acquisitions. Member of AAR. Specializes in: nonfiction. Actively seeking: nonfiction that is highly commercial and that can be adapted to film. How to Contact: Query with SASE. Submit outline, two sample chapters (fiction). Prefers e-mail queries. Will request supporting materials if interested. No phone queries. Do not send materials unless requested. Submission guidelines further defined on Web site. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries; 3-4 weeks to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Asks for short-term exclusive reads on fiction and nonfiction mss. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Recent Sales: Prince of Darkness - Richard Perle: The Kingdom, The Power, and the End of Empire in America, by Alan Weisman (Union Square Press/Sterling); Truth At Last: The Real Story of James Earl Ray, by John Larry Ray with Lyndon Barsten (Lyons Press). Tips: “Have a strong platform for nonfiction. Please don’t call. I welcome e-mail. I’m very responsive when I’m interested in a query and work hard to get my clients materials in the best possible shape before submissions. Do your homework prior to submission and only submit your best efforts. Please review our Web site carefully to make sure we’re a good match for your work.”
Jon Sternfeld
Irene Goodman Literary Agency, 80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1101, New York, NY 10011. E-mail: queries@irenegoodman.com. www.irenegoodman.com/about.php. Actively seeking: intelligent literary fiction, high-end modern fiction; nonfiction and narrative nonfiction dealing with social, cultural and historical issues; an occasional memoir and current affairs book. Prior to his current position: Jon comes to the agency from the film world, where he worked both the creative and development sides. He is actively seeking new clients. "I'd be happy if people just reached out to me," he says. How to contact: "Send a query letter and the first 10 pages, along with a detailed synopsis of the entire book, in the body of an e-mail." Responds in 1-2 months. If interested, this agent will request more pages. E-mail queries only. No snail mail or phone queries will be accepted, nor will any queries to Jon's personal e-mail account. "Because we are receiving more than 50 queries a day, the system is getting overloaded. If your e-mail bounces back, please do not call the office. Just try again in a day or two."
Ginny Weissman
Martin Literary Management, E-mail: Ginny@MartinLiteraryManagement.com. www.martinliterarymanagement.com. Actively seeking: writers with a developed platform and a book that fits the Mind/Body/Spirit genre, including health, spirituality, religion, diet, exercise, psychology, relationships, and metaphysics in non-fiction only. How to Contact: Query by e-mail only. Proposals by request only. No phone queries. Submission guidelines further defined on Web site. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries; 3-4 weeks to proposals Asks for short-term exclusive reads on nonfiction mss. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Josh Getzler
Writers House, 21 W. 26th Street, New York NY 10010. Email: jgetzler@writershouse.com. www.writershouse.com Seeking new and unagented writers. Prior to becoming a junior agent, Mr. Getzler have had 15 years in the business (not all publishing). Currently handles: 75% fiction, 25% nonfiction. Nonfiction areas of interest: biography, business/investing/finance, music, religious, cookbooks, history, sports. Fiction areas of interest: general fiction, mystery, historical novels (esp. mysteries), thrillers, noir, children's. Does not want to receive: picture books. How to contact: E-mail only with query with five or so pages. Synopsis not necessary. Actively seeking: Foreign and historical thrillers. Recent sales: Devil's Trill by Gerald Elias (Minotaur, Fall 2009); Hummingbirds by Joshua Gaylord (Harper, Fall 2009).
Greg Daniel
Daniel Literary Group, 1701 Kingsbury Drive, Suite 100, Nashville TN 37215. Phone: (615)730-8207. E-mail: submissions@danielliterarygroup.com. danielliterarygroup.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Mr. Daniel spent 10 years in publishing - six at the executive level at Thomas Nelson Publishers. Specializes in: “We take pride in our ability to come alongside our authors and help strategize about where they want their writing to take them in both the near and long term. Forging close relationships with our authors, we help them with such critical factors as editorial refinement, branding, audience, and marketing.” Stats: Represents 45 clients. 30% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: 85% nonfiction books, 15% novels. Nonfiction areas of interest: biography/autobiography, business/economics, child guidance/parenting, current affairs, health/medicine, history, how-to, humor/satire, memoirs, nature/environment, popular culture, religious/inspirational, self-help/personal improvement, sports, theater/film, women’s issues/studies. Fiction areas of interest: action/adventure, contemporary issues, detective/police/crime, family saga, historical, humor/satire, literary, mainstream/contemporary, mystery/suspense, religious/inspirational, thriller. The agency currently accepts all fiction topics, except for children’s, romance and sci-fi. How to Contact: Query with SASE. Submit: publishing history, author bio, brief synopsis of work, key selling points. E-queries only. Send no attachments. For fiction, send first 5 pages pasted in e-mail. Accepts e-mail queries. No fax queries. Responds in 1-6 weeks to queries. Returns materials only with SASE. Does not want to receive: screenplays, poetry or short stories. Recent Sales: Wild Things, by Stephen James and David Thomas (Tyndale); My Life as a Holy Roller, by Julie Lyons (WaterBrook Multnomah); 40 Days Living the Jesus Creed, by Scot McKnight (Paraclete); The Sacredness of Questioning Everything, by David Dark (Zondervan); The Preacher, by Darren Dillman (David C. Cook); A New Kind of Human, by Alex McManus (Zondervan).
Jackie Meyer
Whimsy Literary, 310 East 12th St., Suite 2C, New York NY 10003. Fax: (212)674-1060. E-mail: whimsynyc@aol.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Ms. Meyer was with Warner Books for 19 years. Stats: 50% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Specializes in: “Whimsy looks for projects that are concept and platform driven. We seek books that educate, inspire and entertain.” Actively seeking: reference, biography, computers/technology, business/investing/finance, history, religious, mind/body/spirit, health, travel, lifestyle, cookbooks, self-help, diet, pop culture, humor, personality, gift, illustrated. How to Contact: Send a query letter via e-mail only. Send a synopsis, sample chapters, bio, platform and proposal. No snail mail submissions. No fax queries. Responds in 5 days to queries; 30 days to manuscripts. Does not return submissions. Actively seeking: experts in their field with good platforms. Recent Sales
The Boy Who Cried Wolf, by Scott Deming (Wiley); You Can Never Be Too Rich, by Alan Haft (Wiley); God Made Easy, by Patrice Karst (Cider Mill Press); Gracefully, by Valerie Ramsey with Heather Hummel (McGraw-Hill). Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Have a great day.
Tracy Repchuk
28 Agents Who Want Your Work
August 25, 2008
by Chuck Sambuchino
As compiled by Writer’s Digest who has assembled a list of literary agents who are building their client rosters and are open to working with new writers. Our agent guide features a variety of pros—some brand new and others tried and true—representing a variety of categories and genres. This year, instead of listing entire agencies, we’ve listed individual agents. When you’re looking at information for an entire agency, it’s not always easy to tell which reps are truly seeking new writers and which ones don’t have time to brave the slush pile. This method allows you to target specific professionals who have confirmed to WD that they’re open to queries from new writers.
What do agents do?
Literary agents act as gatekeepers; they take the best new material and submit it to publishing houses for consideration. Because editors at these houses—especially the larger ones—are so busy, they lack the time to properly review book submissions. That’s where agents come in. They sift through a lot of bad writing and find the fledgling authors, and in exchange for representing their projects, an agent takes 15 percent of all money earned, should a sale go through.
Speaking of money, know that legitimate agents shouldn’t charge fees to evaluate your work or sign you as a client (and none listed here do). Some of the agents are members of the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR), meaning they adhere to a canon of ethics when dealing with clients.
Beware of agents who ask for evaluation fees, submission fees, editing costs or anything else along those lines. An agent makes money when you make money. The only time you should ever pay one early is to help offset office costs incurred while trying to sell your project, such as copying, mailings, postage, etc. An agent’s role is to find excellent work in the slush pile and sell it.
In today’s literary marketplace, you’ll likely need an agent to sell your work—especially if you’re selling fiction. A writer can sometimes sell nonfiction without an agent, and perhaps even niche fiction, but more than likely, you’ll require a rep.
Do your homework and thoroughly revise your manuscript. Then, peruse the WD list and find your agent match.
NOTE: Before sending out your work to agents on this list—or any agent for that matter—be sure to read:
10 Submission Tips for Querying an Agent
Joy Harris
Joy Harris Literary Agency, 156 Fifth Ave., Suite 617, New York NY 10010. Phone: (212)924-6269. Fax: (212)924-6609. Contact: Joy Harris. Seeking new and established writers. Member of AAR. Stats: Represents more than 100 clients. 50% nonfiction books; 50% novels. Fiction areas of interest: ethnic, experimental, family saga, feminist, gay/lesbian, glitz, hi-lo, historical, humor/satire, literary, mainstream/contemporary, multicultural, multimedia, mystery/suspense, regional, short story collections, spiritual, translation, young adult, women’s. How to Contact: Query with sample chapter, outline/proposal, SASE. No e-mail or fax queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Returns materials only with SASE. Does not want to receive: screenplays. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Charges clients for some office expenses.
Catt LeBaigue
Heacock Literary Agency, Inc., 1020 Hollywood Way, No. 439, Burbank, CA 91505. Member of AAR. E-mail: catt@heacockliteraryagency.com. heacockliteraryagency.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Ms. LeBaigue spent 18 years with Sony Pictures and Warner Bros. Member of AAR, SCBWI. Actively seeking: juvenile fiction, adult nonfiction including arts, crafts, anthropology, astronomy, nature studies, ecology, body/mind/spirit, humanities, self-help. How to contact: E-mail queries only. No unsolicited manuscripts. No e-mail attachments. Offers written contract. Tips: “Take time to write an informative e-query letter expressing your book idea, the market for it, your qualifications to write the book, the ‘hook’ that would make a potential reader buy the book.”
Sorche Fairbank
Fairbank Literary Representation, 199 Mount Auburn St., Suite 1, Cambridge MA 02138-4809. Phone: (617)576-0030. Fax: (617)576-0030. E-mail: queries@fairbankliterary.com. fairbankliterary.com. Stats: Represents 40 clients. 20% of clients are new/unpublished writers; handles 60% nonfiction books, 22% novels, 3% short story collections, 15% illustrated. Specializes in: “I tend to gravitate toward literary fiction and narrative nonfiction, with a strong interest in women’s issues and women’s voices, international voices, class and race issues, and projects that simply teach me something new about the greater world and society around us.” Nonfiction areas of interest: agriculture/horticulture, art/architecture/design, biography/autobiography, cooking/foods/nutrition , crafts/hobbies, current affairs
ethnic/cultural interests, gay/lesbian issues, government/politics/law, how-to, interior design/decorating, memoirs, nature/environment, photography, popular culture, science/technology, sociology, sports, true crime/investigative, women’s issues/studies. Fiction areas of interest: action/adventure, feminist, gay/lesbian, literary, mainstream/contemporary, mystery/suspense, thriller, women’s, Southern voices. How to Contact: Query with SASE, and submit author bio. Accepts e-mail queries. No fax queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries; 10 weeks to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Does not want to receive: romance, poetry, science fiction, young adult or children’s works. Recent Sales: Tale of Two Subs, by Jonathan J. McCullough (Grand Central); 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School, by Matthew Frederick (MIT Press); Invisible Sisters, by Jessica Handler (Public Affairs); Bent Objects, by Terry Border (Running Press); To Full Term: A Mother’s Triumph Over Miscarriage, by Darci Hamilton-Klein (Berkley/Penguin); Spirit of Summer: At Home in the Thousand Islands, by Kathleen Quigley (Rizzoli); The Uncommon Quilter, by Jeanne Williamson (Potter Craft/Crown); Solar Revolution, by Travis Bradford (The MIT Press). Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Tips: “Have a reason for contacting me about your project other than I was the next name listed on some Web site. Please do not use form query software! Have the writing and/or proposal at the very, very best it can be before starting the querying process. Don’t assume that if someone likes it enough they’ll ‘fix’ it. The biggest mistake new writers make is starting the querying process before they—and the work—are ready. Take your time and do it right.”
Jenni Ferrari-Adler
Brickhouse Lit, 80 Fifth Ave., Suite 1101, New York, NY 10011. Phone: (212) 675-5556. E-mail: jenni@brickhouselit.com. Brickhouselit.com. Prior to her current position, Ms. Ferrari-Adler was with Sobel Weber Associates. Specializes in: literary fiction, narrative nonfiction and commercial fiction. Other nonfiction areas of interest include history, memoir, women’s, cookbooks and cultural studies. How to contact: Query by e-mail, or query by snail mail with a SASE. Terms: Agent receives 15% on domestic sales.
Winifred Golden
Castiglia Literary Agency, 1155 Camino Del Mar, Suite 510, Del Mar CA 92014. Phone: (858)755-8761. Fax: (858)755-7063. http://home.earthlink.net/~mwgconference/id22.html. Actively seeking: Literary fiction, ethnic fiction, suspense, thrillers, commercial fiction and science fiction. She will consider nonfiction if the author has expertise and high credentials. Her nonfiction subjects of interest are broad, but she is heavily interested in narrative nonfiction and health/medicine. How to Contact: Send a snail mail query with SASE. Include no more than five pages. Send no unsolicited manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Deborah Ritchken
Castiglia Literary Agency, 1155 Camino Del Mar, Suite 510, Del Mar CA 92014. Phone: (858)755-8761. Fax: (858)755-7063. http://home.earthlink.net/~mwgconference/id22.html. Actively seeking: cookbooks, lifestyle books and literary fiction. How to Contact: Send a snail mail query with SASE. Include no more than five pages. Send no unsolicited manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Sally van Haitsma
Castiglia Literary Agency, 1155 Camino Del Mar, Suite 510, Del Mar CA 92014. Phone: (858)755-8761. Fax: (858)755-7063.
http://home.earthlink.net/~mwgconference/id22.html. Actively seeking: all kinds of nonfiction by authors with a platform and credentials, as well as literary, commercial, women’s and ethnic fiction. How to Contact: Send a snail mail query with SASE. Include no more than five pages. Send no unsolicited manuscripts or proposals. Returns materials only with SASE. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Nancy Love
Nancy Love Literary Agency, 250 E. 65th St., New York NY 10065-6614. Phone: (212)980-3499. Fax: (212)308-6405. E-mail: nloveag@aol.com. This agency is interested solely in nonfiction at this time. Member of AAR. Stats: represents 60-80 clients. 25% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Specializes in: adult nonfiction. Nonfiction areas of interest: biography/autobiography, child guidance/parenting, cooking/foods/nutrition, current affairs, ethnic/cultural interests, government/politics/law, health/medicine, history, how-to, nature/environment, popular culture, psychology, religious/inspirational, science/technology, self-help/personal improvement, sociology, spirituality, travel (armchair only, no how-to), true crime/investigative, women’s issues/studies. How to Contact: Query with SASE. No fax queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; 6 weeks to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Actively seeking: narrative nonfiction. Recent Sales: The Monster in the Corner Office, by Patricia King (Adams); Building Better Brains, by Judy Willis (Sourcebooks); The New Native American Cuisine, by Marian Betancourt (Globe Pequot); Addiction Proof Your Child, by Stanton Peele (Random House); Murder in the Silver City, by Annamaria Alfieri (St. Martin’s); Germ Proof Your Kids, by Harley Rotbart (ASM Press). Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Tips: “Nonfiction authors and/or collaborators must be an authority in their subject area and have a platform. Send an SASE if you want a response.”
Ellen Pepus
Ellen Pepus Literary Agency, 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, #106-233, Washington DC 20016. Phone: (301)896-0185. Fax: (301)896-0185. E-mail: ellen@epliterary.com. epliterary.com. New agency actively seeking clients—especially nonfiction. Prior to her current position, Ms. Pepus was employed at Graybill & English Literary Agency. She worked in foreign rights as well. Specializes in: Narrative nonfiction. Nonfiction areas of interest: animals, anthropology/archaeology, art/architecture/design, biography/autobiography, child guidance/parenting, cooking/foods/nutrition, crafts/hobbies, current affairs, ethnic/cultural interests, gay/lesbian issues, government/politics/law, health/medicine, history, how-to, humor/satire, interior design/decorating, language/literature/criticism, memoir, military/war, money/finance, music/dance, nature/environment, new age/metaphysics, photography, popular culture, psychology, science/technology, self-help/personal improvement, sociology, translation, true crime/investigative, women’s issues/studies. Fiction areas of interest: action/adventure, detective/police/crime, erotica, ethnic, family saga, fantasy, feminist, gay/lesbian, historical, literary, mainstream/contemporary, mystery/suspense, psychic/supernatural, romance, thriller, women’s. How to Contact: Query with SASE. Submit first 5 pages. E-queries only. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 8 weeks to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Actively seeking: literary and commercial fiction, narrative nonfiction. Does not want to receive: children’s, young adult, poetry, short stories, screenplays, science fiction or horror. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Tips: This new agency is looking for clients, but its submission guidelines may be in flux; check the Web site for any news before submitting.
Rachelle Gardner
Wordserve Literary, 10152 S. Knoll Circle, Highlands Ranch CO 80130. Phone: (303)471-6675. E-mail: rachelle@wordserveliterary.com. wordserveliterary.com. Established: 2003. Specializes in: materials with a faith-based angle—primarily religious books in these categories: nonfiction, fiction, short story collections, novellas, as well as books that express a Christian worldview, whether the message is subtle or overt. Fiction areas of interest: women’s, mystery, suspense, police/crime, family saga, historical, legal, literary, mainstream, supernatural, romance. (In fiction, the Christian message should be subtly woven through, not in-your-face.) Kids’ fiction areas of interest: chapter books, middle grade, tweens, teens and YA. Nonfiction areas of interest: biblical, Christian living, church, devotionals, home life, marriage, parenting, family, apologetics, pastoral, current affairs, health, how-to, humor, memoirs, money, popular culture, psychology, science, self-help, true crime, women’s issues. Does not want to receive: picture books, poetry, short stories, screenplays, science fiction, fantasy; or anything that contradicts a Christian worldview. How to Contact: Query with SASE. For nonfiction, send a proposal package, outline, 2-3 sample chapters. Accepts e-mail queries, simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4 weeks to queries, 2 months to manuscripts. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales.
Caren Johnson
Caren Johnson Literary Agency, 132 East 43rd St., No. 216, New York NY 10017. Fax: (718)228-8785. E-mail: cjohnson@johnsonlitagency.com. carenjohnson.com. Prior to her current position, Ms. Johnson was with Firebrand Literary and the Peter Rubie Agency. Established: 2006. Represents 20 clients. Actively seeking: nonfiction, specifically in the areas of social sciences, economics, pop culture, humor, lifestyle and crafts. Nonfiction areas of interest: history, popular culture, science/technology. fiction areas of interest: detective/police/crime, erotica, ethnic, mainstream/contemporary, mystery/suspense, romance, young adult, women’s. How to Contact: Query with SASE. Query via e-mail only, with query and up to one chapter in the body of the e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4-6 weeks to queries; 6-8 weeks to manuscripts. Does not return submissions. Does not want to receive picture books, plays or screenplays/scripts. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Writer’s Conferences: RWA National; Romantic Times Conference; Backspace; BookExpo America; Moonlight and Magnolias.
Jenoyne Adams
Bliss Literary, 1601 N. Sepulveda Blvd., #389, Manhattan Beach CA 90266. E-mail: query@blissliterary.com. blissliterary.com. Prior to her current position, Ms. Adams was with Levine Greenberg Literary Agency. Member of AAR. Nonfiction areas of interest: narrative nonfiction, ethnic/multicultural writing books and work that deals strongly with women’s issues and parenting. Fiction areas of interest: adult fiction, including literary novels and commercial fiction should make you laugh, and entertain you, but it should also make you think. Actively seeking: Middle grade, YA fiction and nonfiction, graphic novel. How to contact: E-queries preferred, with a detailed letter, contact information (including phone number) and one chapter and/or a synopsis in the body of the message (attachments will not be opened). You will receive a response to verify that your query was received. Do not send more unless requested. Responds in up to 8 weeks to queries. For nonfiction, include pertinent bio and platform information.
Jennie Dunham
Dunham Literary, 156 Fifth Ave., Suite 625, New York NY 10010-7002. Phone: (212)929-0994. dunhamlit.com. Prior to opening her agency, Ms. Dunham worked as a literary agent for Russell & Volkening. The Rhoda Weyr Agency is now a division of Dunham Literary, Inc. Member of AAR. Stats: Represents 50 clients. 15% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles 25% nonfiction books, 25% novels, 50% juvenile books. Actively seeking: Literary fiction and adult nonfiction as well as YA and middle grade work. Nonfiction areas of interest: anthropology/archaeology, biography/autobiography, ethnic/cultural interests, government/politics/law, health/medicine, history, language/literature/criticism, nature/environment, popular culture, psychology, science/technology, women’s issues/studies. How to Contact: Query with SASE. No e-mail or fax queries. Responds in 1 week to queries; 2 months to manuscripts. Recent Sales: America the Beautiful, by Robert Sabuda; Dahlia, by Barbara McClintock; Living Dead Girl, by Tod Goldberg; In My Mother’s House, by Margaret McMulla; Black Hawk Down, by Mark Bowden; Look Back All the Green Valley, by Fred Chappell; Under a Wing, by Reeve Lindbergh; I Am Madame X, by Gioia Diliberto.
Mary Sue Seymour
The Seymour Agency, 475 Miner St., Canton NY 13617. Phone: (315)386-1831
E-mail: marysue@slic.com. theseymouragency.com. Established: 1992. Member of AAR
RWA, Authors Guild. Signatory of WGA. Stats: Represents 50% nonfiction books, 50% fiction. Nonfiction areas of interest: business/economics, health/medicine, how-to, self-help/personal improvement, Christian books, cookbooks, any well-written nonfiction that includes a proposal in standard format and one sample chapter. Fiction areas of interest: religious/inspirational (Christian books), romance (any type). How to Contact: Query with SASE. Submit synopsis, first 50 pages for romance. Accepts e-mail queries. No fax queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries; 3 months to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Terms: Agent receives 12-15% commission on domestic sales. Writers’ Conferences: BookExpo America; Start Your Engines; Romantic Times Convention; ICE Escape Writers Conference; Spring Into Romance; Silicon Valley RWA Conference; Put Your Heart in a Book; RWA National.
Verna Dreisbach
Dreisbach Literary, P.O. Box 5379, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762. E-mail: verna@dreisbachliterary.com. Dreisbachliterary.com. Fiction areas of interest: Commercial and literary fiction, mystery, suspense, thriller, commercial women’s fiction, young adult, Native-American Indian. Verna’s 13 years of law enforcement experience as a former police officer gives her a genuine interest and expertise in the genres of mystery, true crime, and suspense. Her other interests include horses and natural horsemanship training. Nonfiction areas of interest: Travel writing, self-help, parenting, business,
pets, health, true crime, and any fresh, compelling idea that is matched with a strong platform. Specializes in: “I work directly with packaging authors and ideas for such series books as The Idiot’s Guides and The Everything Guides, and believe in helping authors break into the world of writing through these types of guide books. If you have an idea for a guide book, are an expert in a field that you believe should have a one, or would like to be a writer for one of these projects in conjunction with an expert, please send me your resume.” Does not want to receive: No sci-fi or horror. How to contact: E-queries preferred. No attachments. Do not send proposals, sample chapters or manuscripts unless specifically requested by an agent. They will not be opened or returned. Please indicate if you are simultaneously submitting to other agents.
Lindsay Davis
Writers House, 3368 Governor Drive, #224F, San Diego, CA 92122. Phone: (858)678-8638. Fax: (858)678-8530. E-mail: ldavis@writershouse.com. writershouse.com. Specializes in: “I represent children’s and young adult authors and artists exclusively.” Actively seeking: picture books, tween, YA, and middle grade. How to contact: Send a query letter of no more than two pages, which includes your credentials, an explanation of what makes your book unique and special, and a synopsis. Also, please include a SASE for a reply, which generally takes 6-8 weeks. Reviews manuscripts exclusively. Do not query Ms. Davis if you have already queried another agent at Writers House.
Adam Chromy
Artists and Artisans, 104 W. 29th St. 11th Floor, New York NY 10001. Fax: (212)931-8377. E-mail: adam@artistsandartisans.com. artistsandartisans.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Mr. Chromy was an entrepreneur in the technology field for nearly a decade. Specializes in: narrative nonfiction as long as the writing is exceptional and the authors have something truly unique to say. He is also interested in practical nonfiction from authors with strong platforms and/or a point of view that challenges the status quo. The agency represents a broad spectrum of categories, including most genres of adult fiction and nonfiction. How to contact: All fiction queries must include a brief author’s bio, and the setup or premise for the book. Snail mail queries are acceptable, though manuscripts will be not be returned. E-queries should start have the subject line “Query: (Your Title)”. Does not want to receive: screenplays, photo or children’s books. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 4 weeks to manuscripts. Terms: Receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales.
Jamie Brenner
Artists and Artisans, 104 W. 29th St. 11th Floor, New York NY 10001. Fax: (212)931-8377. E-mail: jamie@artistsandartisans.com. artistsandartisans.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Ms. Brenner spent the past decade in book publishing. Her experience includes literary publicity (HarperCollins Publishers), book selling (BarnesandNoble.com), and manuscript analysis and book scouting for major film companies (Miramax Films, Davis Entertainment). Specializes in: thrillers, horror, women’s fiction, literary fiction, memoir, and books about pop culture/entertainment. She is happy to read first-time writers. The agency represents a broad spectrum of categories, including most genres of adult fiction and nonfiction. How to contact: All fiction queries must include a brief author’s bio, and the setup or premise for the book. Snail mail queries are acceptable, though manuscripts will be not be returned. E-queries should start have the subject line “Query: (Your Title)”. Does not want to receive: screenplays, photo or children’s books. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 4 weeks to manuscripts. Terms: Receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales.
Barbara Doyen
Barbara Doyen Literary Agency, 1931 660th St., Newell IA 50568-7613. Phone: (712)272-3300. barbaradoyen.com. Prior to opening her agency, Ms. Doyen worked as a published author, teacher, guest speaker, and wrote and appeared in her own weekly TV show airing in seven states. She is also the co-author of The Everything Guide to Writing a Book Proposal (Adams 2005) and The Everything Guide to Getting Published (Adams 2006). Represents more than 100 clients. Specializes in: This agency specializes in nonfiction and occasionally handles mainstream fiction for adults. Nonfiction subjects of interest: agriculture/horticulture, Americana, animals, anthropology/archaeology, art/architecture/design, biography/autobiography, business/economics, child guidance/parenting, computers/electronic, cooking/foods/nutrition, crafts/hobbies, current affairs, education, ethnic/cultural interests, gardening, government/politics/law, health/medicine, history, how-to, interior design/decorating, language/literature/criticism, memoirs, military/war, money/finance, multicultural, music/dance, nature/environment, new age/metaphysics, philosophy, photography, popular culture, psychology, recreation, regional, religious/inspirational, science/technology, self-help/personal improvement, sex, sociology, software, spirituality, theater/film, travel, true crime/investigative, women’s issues/studies, young adult, creative nonfiction. Fiction areas of interest: family saga, historical, literary, mainstream/contemporary. How to Contact: Query with SASE. Snail mail queries preferred, but you can submit a query on the Web site as well. Include bio/background info. Send no unsolicited samples. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to mss. Returns materials only with SASE. Actively seeking business, health, how-to, self-help, and all kinds of adult nonfiction suitable for the major trade publishers. Does not want to receive: pornography, children’s books, or poetry. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Jeffery McGraw
August Agency. E-mail: submissions@augustagency.com. augustagency.com. Before becoming an agent, Mr. McGraw worked as an editor for HarperCollins and publicity manager for Abrams. Specializes in: politics/current affairs, entertainment, business, psychology, self-help, narrative nonfiction, contemporary women’s fiction, literary fiction. Actively seeking: “We actively pursue an array of fiction and nonfiction writers to represent, with an emphasis in media (seasoned journalists receive special favor here), popular culture/entertainment, political science, diet/fitness, health, cookbooks, psychology, business, memoir, highly creative nonfiction, accessible literary fiction, women’s fiction, and high-concept mysteries and thrillers. When it comes to nonfiction, we favor persuasive and prescriptive works with a full-bodied narrative command and an undeniable contemporary relevance. Our favorite novelists are as eclectic as our minds are broad, yet they all share one common denominator that might explain a peculiar predisposition for what we prefer to call ‘emotional fiction’—a brand of storytelling defined not so much by a novel’s category as by its extraordinary power to resonate universally on a deeply emotional level.” Does not want to receive: academic textbooks, children’s books, cozy mysteries, horror, poetry, science fiction/fantasy, short story collections, Western’s, screenplays, genre romance or previously self-published works. How to Contact: Submit book summary (1-2 paragraphs), chapter outline (nonfiction only), first 1,000 words or first chapter, total page/word count, brief paragraph on why you have chosen to write the book. Send via e-mail only (no attachments). Responds in 2-3 weeks to queries; 3 months to manuscripts. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Cricket Pechstein
August Agency. E-mail: submissions@augustagency.com. augustagency.com. Before opening The August Agency, Ms. Pechstein was a freelance writer, magazine editor and independent literary agent. Specializes in: mystery/crime fiction, chick lit, thrillers. Actively seeking: “We actively pursue an array of fiction and nonfiction writers to represent, with an emphasis in media (seasoned journalists receive special favor here), popular culture/entertainment, political science, diet/fitness, health, cookbooks, psychology, business, memoir, highly creative nonfiction, accessible literary fiction, women’s fiction, and high-concept mysteries and thrillers. When it comes to nonfiction, we favor persuasive and prescriptive works with a full-bodied narrative command and an undeniable contemporary relevance. Our favorite novelists are as eclectic as our minds are broad, yet they all share one common denominator that might explain a peculiar predisposition for what we prefer to call ‘emotional fiction’—a brand of storytelling defined not so much by a novel’s category as by its extraordinary power to resonate universally on a deeply emotional level.” Does not want to receive: academic textbooks, children’s books, cozy mysteries, horror, poetry, science fiction/fantasy, short story collections, Western’s, screenplays, genre romance or previously self-published works. How to Contact: Submit book summary (1-2 paragraphs), chapter outline (nonfiction only), first 1,000 words or first chapter, total page/word count, brief paragraph on why you have chosen to write the book. Send via e-mail only (no attachments). Responds in 2-3 weeks to queries; 3 months to manuscripts. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract
Evatopia, 400 S. Beverly Drive, Suite 214, Beverly Hills CA 90212. E-mail: submissions@evatopia.com. evatopia.com. Prior to becoming a literary and script manager, Ms. Walshaw was a writer and publicist for the entertainment industry. Stats: Represents 15 clients. 85% of clients are new/unpublished writers. “We specialize in promoting and developing the careers of first-time writers and screenwriters. All of our staff members have strong writing and entertainment backgrounds, making us sympathetic to the needs of our clients.” Actively seeking: middle grade, YA and some nonfiction (mostly biographies). Specializes in: Though Evatopia previously focused solely on movie scripts (numerous genres), it has recently expanded to represent juvenile literary as well. How to Contact: Submit via online submission form. Accepts e-mail queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 3 weeks to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 15% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Sharlene Martin
Martin Literary Management, 17328 Ventura Blvd., Suite 138, Encino (LA) CA 91316. Phone: (818)595-1130. Fax: (818)715-0418. E-mail: sharlene@martinliterarymanagement.com. MartinLiteraryManagement.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Ms. Martin worked in film/TV production and acquisitions. Member of AAR. Specializes in: nonfiction. Actively seeking: nonfiction that is highly commercial and that can be adapted to film. How to Contact: Query with SASE. Submit outline, two sample chapters (fiction). Prefers e-mail queries. Will request supporting materials if interested. No phone queries. Do not send materials unless requested. Submission guidelines further defined on Web site. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries; 3-4 weeks to manuscripts. Returns materials only with SASE. Asks for short-term exclusive reads on fiction and nonfiction mss. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Recent Sales: Prince of Darkness - Richard Perle: The Kingdom, The Power, and the End of Empire in America, by Alan Weisman (Union Square Press/Sterling); Truth At Last: The Real Story of James Earl Ray, by John Larry Ray with Lyndon Barsten (Lyons Press). Tips: “Have a strong platform for nonfiction. Please don’t call. I welcome e-mail. I’m very responsive when I’m interested in a query and work hard to get my clients materials in the best possible shape before submissions. Do your homework prior to submission and only submit your best efforts. Please review our Web site carefully to make sure we’re a good match for your work.”
Jon Sternfeld
Irene Goodman Literary Agency, 80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1101, New York, NY 10011. E-mail: queries@irenegoodman.com. www.irenegoodman.com/about.php. Actively seeking: intelligent literary fiction, high-end modern fiction; nonfiction and narrative nonfiction dealing with social, cultural and historical issues; an occasional memoir and current affairs book. Prior to his current position: Jon comes to the agency from the film world, where he worked both the creative and development sides. He is actively seeking new clients. "I'd be happy if people just reached out to me," he says. How to contact: "Send a query letter and the first 10 pages, along with a detailed synopsis of the entire book, in the body of an e-mail." Responds in 1-2 months. If interested, this agent will request more pages. E-mail queries only. No snail mail or phone queries will be accepted, nor will any queries to Jon's personal e-mail account. "Because we are receiving more than 50 queries a day, the system is getting overloaded. If your e-mail bounces back, please do not call the office. Just try again in a day or two."
Ginny Weissman
Martin Literary Management, E-mail: Ginny@MartinLiteraryManagement.com. www.martinliterarymanagement.com. Actively seeking: writers with a developed platform and a book that fits the Mind/Body/Spirit genre, including health, spirituality, religion, diet, exercise, psychology, relationships, and metaphysics in non-fiction only. How to Contact: Query by e-mail only. Proposals by request only. No phone queries. Submission guidelines further defined on Web site. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries; 3-4 weeks to proposals Asks for short-term exclusive reads on nonfiction mss. Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Josh Getzler
Writers House, 21 W. 26th Street, New York NY 10010. Email: jgetzler@writershouse.com. www.writershouse.com Seeking new and unagented writers. Prior to becoming a junior agent, Mr. Getzler have had 15 years in the business (not all publishing). Currently handles: 75% fiction, 25% nonfiction. Nonfiction areas of interest: biography, business/investing/finance, music, religious, cookbooks, history, sports. Fiction areas of interest: general fiction, mystery, historical novels (esp. mysteries), thrillers, noir, children's. Does not want to receive: picture books. How to contact: E-mail only with query with five or so pages. Synopsis not necessary. Actively seeking: Foreign and historical thrillers. Recent sales: Devil's Trill by Gerald Elias (Minotaur, Fall 2009); Hummingbirds by Joshua Gaylord (Harper, Fall 2009).
Greg Daniel
Daniel Literary Group, 1701 Kingsbury Drive, Suite 100, Nashville TN 37215. Phone: (615)730-8207. E-mail: submissions@danielliterarygroup.com. danielliterarygroup.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Mr. Daniel spent 10 years in publishing - six at the executive level at Thomas Nelson Publishers. Specializes in: “We take pride in our ability to come alongside our authors and help strategize about where they want their writing to take them in both the near and long term. Forging close relationships with our authors, we help them with such critical factors as editorial refinement, branding, audience, and marketing.” Stats: Represents 45 clients. 30% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: 85% nonfiction books, 15% novels. Nonfiction areas of interest: biography/autobiography, business/economics, child guidance/parenting, current affairs, health/medicine, history, how-to, humor/satire, memoirs, nature/environment, popular culture, religious/inspirational, self-help/personal improvement, sports, theater/film, women’s issues/studies. Fiction areas of interest: action/adventure, contemporary issues, detective/police/crime, family saga, historical, humor/satire, literary, mainstream/contemporary, mystery/suspense, religious/inspirational, thriller. The agency currently accepts all fiction topics, except for children’s, romance and sci-fi. How to Contact: Query with SASE. Submit: publishing history, author bio, brief synopsis of work, key selling points. E-queries only. Send no attachments. For fiction, send first 5 pages pasted in e-mail. Accepts e-mail queries. No fax queries. Responds in 1-6 weeks to queries. Returns materials only with SASE. Does not want to receive: screenplays, poetry or short stories. Recent Sales: Wild Things, by Stephen James and David Thomas (Tyndale); My Life as a Holy Roller, by Julie Lyons (WaterBrook Multnomah); 40 Days Living the Jesus Creed, by Scot McKnight (Paraclete); The Sacredness of Questioning Everything, by David Dark (Zondervan); The Preacher, by Darren Dillman (David C. Cook); A New Kind of Human, by Alex McManus (Zondervan).
Jackie Meyer
Whimsy Literary, 310 East 12th St., Suite 2C, New York NY 10003. Fax: (212)674-1060. E-mail: whimsynyc@aol.com. Prior to becoming an agent, Ms. Meyer was with Warner Books for 19 years. Stats: 50% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Specializes in: “Whimsy looks for projects that are concept and platform driven. We seek books that educate, inspire and entertain.” Actively seeking: reference, biography, computers/technology, business/investing/finance, history, religious, mind/body/spirit, health, travel, lifestyle, cookbooks, self-help, diet, pop culture, humor, personality, gift, illustrated. How to Contact: Send a query letter via e-mail only. Send a synopsis, sample chapters, bio, platform and proposal. No snail mail submissions. No fax queries. Responds in 5 days to queries; 30 days to manuscripts. Does not return submissions. Actively seeking: experts in their field with good platforms. Recent Sales
The Boy Who Cried Wolf, by Scott Deming (Wiley); You Can Never Be Too Rich, by Alan Haft (Wiley); God Made Easy, by Patrice Karst (Cider Mill Press); Gracefully, by Valerie Ramsey with Heather Hummel (McGraw-Hill). Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Make a Bestseller with Tracy Repchuk
Dear Poets and Writers
If you are writing a book, or thinking of writing a book, I have got some great news for you!
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See you there!
Tracy Repchuk
P.S. Don't forget to pick up your special report, Ten Secrets to Getting Published. To find out how to get your copy, just click the link below.
P.S.S. To see a complete list of the membership benefits, get more information on membership dues, and find out how to get your membership activated for just $1, just click the link below.
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Tracy Repchuk
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