Thursday, December 10, 2009

Four Canadian Federation of Poets Launch New Books on the Same Night

Cheryl Xavier, our National Coordinator wants to invite you to the book launch of our own Federation of Poets members who are launching new books.

This is a very exciting as CFP poets hit the publishing world.

Here are the details:

Event: Book launch by In Our Words Inc.,
Fall/Winter catalogue

Swimming to the Surface: A collection of poems by Saskia Maddock

Musings of an Earth Angel: A collection of poems by Linda L. Dowd

On the Wings of Dawn: A collection of poems by Maria Pia Marchelletta

Moonlight Fairy Tales by Flavia Cosma

4 Federation poets launching at the same event!

Chief Guest is the Hon. Jason Kenney,
Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

Mayor Hazel McCallion, Mayor of Mississauga


Friday, December 11, 2009
5.30 pm—8.30 pm


730 Courtneypark Dr W, Mississauga, ON L5W 1L9

If you're in the area, go and congratulate Linda, Saskia,
Flavia and Maria - and get to know our new National
Coordinator - Cheryl Xavier - because she can help you
take your next steps.

If you have any questions - contact Cheryl at:

Have a great week.

Tracy Repchuk

President/Founder of the Canadian Federation of Poets

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

CFP Welcomes New National Coordinator and Oakville Federation Chair

George Arnold

George Arnold, our current National Coordinator is moving to New Zealand, and even though he'll still be a part of the Federation of Poets, and is one of the original members, his hands on approach for our Canadian members will surely be missed, He will continue the CFP tradition in his new home in New Zealand as he joins his wife. His contact will still be the same, so be sure to keep in touch with him.

It has been a joy, a privilege and an honour to work with George all these years, and I deeply wish him much success in his new country.

(George Arnold and President and Founder Tracy Repchuk)

New National Coordinator

Cheryl Xavier is our incoming National Coordinator. Cheryl was an immediate powerhouse for the CFP as she created the Peel-Halton Federation of Poets, and attended numerous events on behalf of the CFP. In addition to her amazing skills, she is also a publisher of poetry books, and has assisted members in their book production cost effectively.

Feel free to contact Cheryl if you're interested in opening up a Federation/Group in your area.

She can be reached at

New Chair for Oakville and Burlington Art Centre Federations

Saskia Maddock is a longstanding member of the Canadian Federation of Poets, a lifelong writer and lover of words, especially poetry. In 2008, she published her first book, life unmasked, comprising poems and short stories. Swimming to the surface is her second collection of poetry. Saskia describes herself as a Renaissance woman, balancing her work life with volunteer work, photography, travel, and devotee of theatre, music, and books. She is Chair of the Oakville Chapter of the Canadian Federation of Poets (CFP) and Burlington Arts Center Federation, Treasurer, Oakville Poetry Alliance, and member of Pelicans, Tower Poetry Society, The Ontario Poetry Society, and Peel Chapter of the CFP. Saskia resides in Oakville, Ontario with her family.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Federation of Poets Thanks George Arnold

Thank-you George Arnold

George Arnold, our current National Coordinator is moving to New Zealand, and even though he'll still be a part of the Federation of Poets, and is one of the original members, his hands on approach for our Canadian members will surely be missed, He will continue the CFP tradition in his new home in New Zealand as he joins his wife. His contact will still be the same, so be sure to keep in touch with him.

It has been a joy, a privilege and an honour to work with George all these years, and I deeply wish him much success in his new country.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Do you Twitter - Social Marketing and Poets

Do you Twitter? Social Marketing and Poets

Many of you may not have entered the world of social marketing, and many of you may be mastering it. So I'll just take a few minutes to give you a very easy tool you should be using to promote your poetry. - this community has exploded and is rivaling Google and Facebook for popularity of use. In fact it has become such an important part of traffic generation and relationship building, that all the top topics at seminars have a twitter expert on board.

It is a fast way to update users with instant messages, or tell them what you're up to, events you are going to, exchange tips, tricks and ideas, and so much more.

You have 140 characters to get the message out fast, and often, and it is a great tool.

Go here:

start your own free account, and select the follow me option.
You will get a feel for what it is, and what you can use it for to promote yourself, and poetry.

If you're thinking how do I share my poetry in 140 characters, simply create a blog post on your blog or where ever and post your poem and create a link you put in your twitter message to drive readers there.

Use this tool to create a small link:

Here is a sample twitter post:

Read my latest poem "I am a wild child" at

Plus you can also have your twitter post autofeed to your Facebook page if you have one. If you don't that's next.

Check out my page: Tracy Repchuk's Facebook Page

And yes, both of these are good for poets.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Facebook for Poetry Promotion

FaceBook for Promotions

So we have talked about Blogs, Twitter, YouTube, Kindle and ebooks -now I'll turn your focus to FaceBook.

Facebook is a social networking website that allows you to create a user profile, a fan page, post your events, communicate to others, instant chat with online friends, leave text messages, create a community of like-minded people, and promote your stuff – ALL FOR FREE.

Here is my page –

Go there, and start your own FaceBook page.

Click on the Green Sign Up button.

Add your photo – this is the first thing you want to do.

You can easily customize the page, and getting friends is as easy as requesting them.

You can post comments on other people’s pages, bringing attention to yourself immediately.

You can upload photos and videos

Facebook has more than 250 million active users (and among those are a lot of poets),

And the fastest growing demographic is over age 35.

More than 1 billion pieces of content are shared every week

More than 2.5 million events (lets get some poetry ones in there) are created every month

More than 120 million visitors every day

This is an environment just waiting for you – and creating your page is as easy as following their instructions.

So let’s go poets – and create your FaceBook page and start promoting your Poetry, poetry organizations, connecting – let’s get together and do this!

Tracy Repchuk
Bestselling author of 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles
President and Founder of the Canadian Federation of Poets

PS - Join the Federation of Poets Today

Monday, September 21, 2009

Federation of Poets Renewing Members

Welcome to our continued supporters and members

Renewed Members:

Joanna Gale

Saskia Maddock

Linda Dowd

Judith Black

Tod Gaines

Susan Tearoe

Michael Cotterell

Brian Cobbledick

Richard Masterton

Stella Ducker

Josephine Stone

Najah Shuqair

Jim Greenwald

Rosa Hong Chen

Craig LaPlante

Renée Von Paschen

It's a pleasure continuing to support your poetry endeavours.

Tracy Repchuk

Bestselling author of 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles

Get your copy of 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles Today!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Canadian Federation of Poets Latest New Members

New Federation of Poets Members

Welcome New Members:

Marjorie Bruhmeller - Cookshire-Eaton, Quebec

Rena Nauen - Israel

Susan Tearoe - Greenwood, BC

Caroline Harriet - Ladysmith, BC

Martin Hayter - Victoria, BC

Aline Soules - Danfield, CA, USA

Rena Nauen - Israel

Stephanie Hodgins - Miss., ON

Tony Hellman - Burlington, ON

Beverly Baker - Mount Pearl, NFLD

John Jansen - Toronto, ON

Thomas Hemeon - Stratford, ON

Chen ou Liu - Ajax, ON

Mary Anne Lonergan - Newmarket, ON

David Franklin - Ottawa, ON

Gina Bolton - Redwater, AB

William J Galvin - Mississauga, ON

Ed Roberts - Oklahoma City, OK

Leif Norman - Winnipeg, MB

Friday, August 21, 2009

Canadian Federation of Poets News


Tracy Repchuk -

* Appeared on Build a Better Network to share my story and internet marketing endeavours

Nikhil Parekh
* Applied for another Limca World Record and expanded his YouTube presence: Nikhil Parekh Youtube poetry sample

Tod Gaines -
* Was a featured poet on a Hip Hop Radio show as he combined his poetry to music
(Good thinking out of the box)

Paul Hartal

* The Carrer Museum in Milan, Italy, issued this year six art stamps of Paul Hartal. Engraved on the margins of Portrait, Triumphal Arch, Landscape, Afternoon Faces, Victoria, and Blue Mountain, the colourful miniature visual poems display the name of the artist, the title of the work and the year 2009. An envelope mailed from Milan to Montreal this summer with a combined array of Italian postal stamps and Paul Hartal art stamps is marked over with the official cancellation seal of the Italian post. Founded in 1946, the Carrer Mail Art Museum and Archive in Milano houses thousands of works, among them by Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, Paul Klee, Pablo Picasso and Victor Vasarely.

Mary Anne Lonergan -
* Her latest poems -"The Talons Of Prisms" was published in the The Ontario Poetry Society - Verse Afire

* The Newmaket's branch - Canadian Hearing Society has asked me to read a couple of her poems in September to expose hearing and deafness talents. One of the poem is called: "Deafness" and unsure yet what the other will be called till that time comes.

* Her second manuscript is now finished and she is working on her third.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Canadian Poetry - New Methods of Publishing Amazon Kindle

The Cheapest Method of Publishing

Last month we talked about YouTube as a distribution
channel for your poetry. Nikhil Parekh is using that tool to its fullest.

This month I want to talk about 2 trends that are taking the internet by storm - and one of them is fast becoming a mainstream publishing alternative. Now I am not talking about self publishing places such as where you can produce your own book, your way, and keep all of the profits versus a royalty publishing option - I am going to introduce you to Amazon Kindle and ebooks.
I'll start with an ebook - which simply is an electronic version or digital version of your book. It is a matter of creating the book as usual in a word processor, and saving it as a PDF, and selling that version.
For some who cherish the feel of a book and its pages you will think this is ridiculous, but I have made 10 x more on ebook sales, than made of book sale profits. The best part is there is no overhead, no inventory, no shipping, they get the book instantly, they enjoy your work and you make 100% profit.

I sell my bestseller 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles on Amazon, and make about $1.20 profit per book. I sell my ebook and make a $47 profit. In fact, I offer a workbook with my ebook, and 80% of the purchasers upgrade to the ebook/workbook combination and with this I make a $97 profit.
Here is that website if you want to look at the format 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles

Now some of you might be thinking – well that’s not publishing.

I would have to disagree, as does the world’s largest bookstore and distributor of books, who not only sells ebooks now, but even better – sells your book on a Kindle device – which is an electronic device that can hold hundreds of books.

Check out this article in Newsweek called "The Future of Reading"

This device which has taken the publishing industry by storm, and has the largest publishers in the world scrambling to create and modify their line up of books into this format.

And technically – it is an ebook, that appears on a device you carry – the size of a typical book for those who like to hold something as they read – you can take hundreds of books with you everywhere and always have access to your favourite stories – at the push of a button.

As a world traveler, I see them on planes all the time. You can read them at the beach. Anywhere -but what is really great for you as a poet and writer – is it’s free to create a kindle version, you can list it on the site like a normal book, and people can take you with them – anytime.

AND … it’s an accepted form of publishing, otherwise authors such as Stephen King, Donald Trump, Margaret Atwood, Michael Ondaatje wouldn't be there - and they are!

AND… you don’t need a fancy publisher to participate.

Isn't the point of getting published to get your work out there, to share your story, get well known, and making money along the way would totally rock right?

Take a person like Julie Powell who did a blog about Julia Child's cooking - and now it's in a movie called Julie and Julia. Think she might make some money from that, have some influence, get a major book deal - so embrace some of the new technologies because you never know what the future will bring. Take publishing out of the box and just do it.

A great resource to also check out:

How to Prepare your Book for the Kindle Device

Tracy Repchuk
President of Canadian Federation of Poets

PS - Join the CFP and be promoted in our newsletter, our site, and in our bookstore. Join today - Canadian Poetry At It's Finest

Monday, July 06, 2009

Poetry Publishing on YouTube


The book publishing industry is currently in turmoil but I want to start by saying "No worries - because you can do more than that."

What do I mean by that?
The average poet sells 35 books. A poet that travels, does book fairs, reads a lot - sells about 260 books. A famous poet, about a handful, gets a decent advance, and sells a few thousand copies.

96% of ALL books listed on on Amazon sell less than 1 copy per week, even less when it is in a traditional bookstore environment. The average attendees for a book signing is 8.
And the average profit of a self published book sold on Amazon is $2.50 (for a
$17 book) This is the goal of poets - to become a published author - to have a book - and having a published book is a great goal.

And even more of you want a traditional publisher - so your royalty goes to about $1.70 per book.

But right now, with books selling less and less, and your message becoming even
more important, you need to add to your 'book' goal - alternative methods of
publishing and promotion. Over the next few newsletters, I am going to give you
more details on different methods such as ebooks, kindle, CD, audio, podcasts,
blogging and comments, audio post card, newsletter, video, twitter, facebook, tubemogul,
teleseminar, virtual book tours, shared promotion, articles, cross promotion and others.

Today I am going to talk about YouTube. If you want to get your poem heard, by possibly thousands, so many more than your book - and get your message out - record yourself reading your poem

There are easy ways to do this.

1. Create a account - it
is free to join. Here is mine -

2. Put images together and then have the poem display. See
CFP member example - Nikhil Parekh

3. You can record your audio on your computer and wrap some
pictures around it.
Here is my sample of that.
This is me reading from my book (this
video cost me $12 to have created)

4. Read your poem in front o a video or have a friend record you when you are at
an event. Here is an example of that.

So a book is great, but the new publishing pardigm is Market, Medium and Message.

So reach the market, by using various mediums to spread your message.
There has never been a more important time for poets to emerge as positive
influencers such as what Nikhil Parekh does, and get the message out that can make the
world a better place.

If you're thinking I can't do this - I'm not technical - no worries - go to and someone there will do it for about $15. I have paid as low as $3 and high as $22. Really cheap for a huge impact that you can repurpose for about 8 other things.

Tracy Repchuk
President and Founder of the Canadian Federation of Poets

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Find out What are the Best Resources for Writers

Writer's Digest just released the 2009 Best resources for writers.

Check them out

Best Resources for Writers

Tracy Repchuk
President of the Canadian Federation of Poets

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

June Canadian Federation of Poets Newsletter

Tons happening with the Federation of Poets members - check it out and then get the whole newsletter at - June Federation of Poets Newsletter


If you are a CFP member with exciting news, let us know. Send an email with the news in it, and a subject line of CFP Member News.

Tracy Repchuk -

* May 16-17 - Appeared at
Dreams to Reality Success Summit
* Appeared on broadcast TV news stations nationwide (USA) for an internet search piece put together by Eyewitness News

Nikhil Parekh
* interview appeared online in the United States at The Interview can be read online at Lulu by clicking on: Nikhil Parekh article

Stephen Gill -
* Presented his poetry on peace at Cornwall Public Library

Debbie Ouellet-
* April 11th, The Vaughan Poets’ Circle launched their new poetry anthology Earth to the Moon which Debbie edited and contains five of her poems.
* Debbie was asked to be a regular monthly contributor to the Truthseekers section of the blog Culture Unplugged where she writes about language, poetry and culture.
* Debbie Ouellet’s first picture book, How Robin Saved Spring, was named ‘Book of the Month’ in Cookie Magazine and ‘Kid’s Pick of the Month’ on in April 2009.

March 20th, How Robin Saved Spring was reviewed on the blog, Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast where the reviewer included Debbie’s poem “Queen Anne’s Lace”.
On March 25th, Debbie did a presentation on writing poetry to 52 Grade-Six students at Woodbridge Public School in Woodbridge, Ontario.
Helen Barlev
* Voices Israel has a new website

Ed Roberts -

* His latest poem "Silence" was featured by the SOP, Student Operated Press, as an article and was listed on the front page of their site.

* Also framed copies of his poem "Memorial"
which appeared in my latest book Whispers, Tears, Prayers and Hope, and presented them to The Veterans Memorial Hospital and the Veterans Center in Norman,

Lori A May -

* The Ambassador Poetry Project, a new online periodical featuring writers from Ontario and Michigan, is accepting submissions for its launch issue. Emerging and established poets welcome in all styles. Poetic narrative and digital artwork is also welcome. Emails containing attachments will not be opened. Please review the guidelines at

Monday, June 01, 2009

Canadian Federation of Poets Author Tony Hellman

The Awakening is more then a book of eloquent poetic words, it is a life style.

What makes Tony’s work so different is that his writing style is motivational, inspirational, and his channeled messages clearly come through in his poems. His message is based on two basic truths, love and fear. These are the only emotions we face each and every day.

Tony chooses love, and works with poetry as a tool to teach others how to tame fear. This book will have a powerful affect on its readers. It will cause an emotional release, eliminating layers of pain. His words motivate you to take action and realize that superlative person that lives in each and every one of us. Tony says, “I ask you not to believe a word I say, as it is based on my experiences and life journey. You need to make your own decisions.”

Read what others are saying about The Awakening….testimonials are posted on

This paperback is available at
Barnes & Noble, and

ISBN: 9781438966342

Signed copies available at Tony Hellman Awakenings

From Tracy Repchuk

Canadian Federation of Poets Founder and President

PS - Join today - Join the Federation of Poets and get promoted

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Irving Miller - CFP Profile

Irving F. Miller

I was born in 1934, in New York City, and educated at New York University, Purdue University, and the University of Michigan. I taught and administered programs in chemical engineering and biomedical engineering for almost 40 years at Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of Akron. I am the author of over 80 refereed articles and book chapters in science and engineering, over 200 abstracts and presentations, have edited and translated several monographs, and have received numerous science and engineering grants and awards. A casual poet for most of my life, I began writing seriously in 1995. Since my retirement from engineering education in 2000, my work has appeared in journals and chapbooks, as well as on several websites. My poems are currently under review by several journals.

Published poems:

“Spaldeen”, in B. Bergan, ed., InPrint, Persiflage Press, Chicago, IL, 2001, 66-67.

“from Sun and Shadow”, The Aurorean: A Poetic Quarterly, Farmington, ME, Vol. XI, Issue 2, 2006, 47.

“Isaac”, Poetica Magazine, Norfolk, VA, November, 2008, 25.

“Last Song”, Meridian Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, Boca Raton, FL, Vol. VI, 2008, 32.

“Forever”, Poetica Magazine, Norfolk, VA, March, 2009, 35.

“Secret Place”, Free Lunch, Glenview, IL, No. 41, Spring, 2009, 32

“Certain Nights”, Poetica Magazine, Norfolk, VA, July, 2009, 8.

“How It Got Into The Talmud”, Kerem, Washington, DC, in press.

Group Chapbooks:

“T. Rex Listens to Poetry”, Big Table Poetry Group Chapbook, The Poetry Center of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2004, 18.

“No One”, Big Table Poetry Group Chapbook, The Poetry Center of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2004, 19-20.

“Blind Man’s Bluff”, Big Table 2005, The Poetry Center of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2006, 25.

“Jabberwock”, Big Table 2005, The Poetry Center of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2006, 26.

Solo Chapbooks:
“Moonburn”, Big Table Publishing Co., Boston, MA, 2009.

“Art Class”, on, August, 2004.

“Lobster Cove”, on, October, 2004.

“Light Scheme”, on, August, 2005.

“Fog”, on, September, 2005.

“Sun and Shadow”, on, November, 2005.

“Todai-ji”, on, April, 2008.

“Miss Murphy Teaches Sex”, Boston Literary Magazine, accepted for publication.

Chicago Public Library, 10th Annual Poetry Fest, April 25, 2009, recorded for rebroadcast on WBEZ Chicago.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

April is Poetry Month - Federation of Poets Events

Tracy Repchuk here to remind you that April is Poetry Month. Here is a bit of news from one of our members, Najah Shuqair.


The First Poetry Book Launch For A New Writer Benefits Cancer Patients

50% of the proceeds from the sale of this book go toward:
1) Breast Cancer Research
2) Cancer Research
3) Canadian Cancer Society

If you would like me to send you a photo. I can e-mail you one by attaching it to the email, I don't have one right now.

My name is Najah Shuqair. I started taking my writing seriously since 2006. I write poetry, short stories and articles.

I am a cancer survivor. I had Lumpectomy surgery 5 years ago and I had Mastectomy in January, 27, 2009.

I published my first poetry book in November 2008. It called "ENTER MY HEART", Poems For The Soul.

I started the book with a statement:

Poems are nutrition for the soul
Flowers are nutrition for the bees

I am going to launch the book on Sunday, April, 5, 2009 between 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Cost of the Book is $10
It is a free admission, finger food and refreshments are served.
The book can be found at:

The Book Launch at the "Kinsmen Club of Sarnia"
656 Lakeshore Road
Sarnia, On.

I love helping others. I thought of a way how can I help bodily and mentally. I found that words do affect the mind. The mind is a machine that gives orders to the body.

If the mind is good, the body becomes good and fights against anything especially cancer.

Contact Person

Akhdar Press
P.O.BOX 3327
Sarnia, Ontario
N7T 8G6
Phone: 519-542-9920

Join the Federation of Poets and become a part of this great Organization that promotes poets and poetry in the dedication of a better world.

Join the Federation of Poets

Tracy Repchuk
President and Founder of the Canadian Federation of Poets

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tracy Repchuk How to Get Started in Internet Marketing

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do you Twitter? Social Media for poetry

Tracy Repchuk

Do you Twitter? Social Marketing for Poets

Many of you may not have entered the world of social marketing, and many of you may be mastering it. So I'll just take a few minutes to give you a very easy tool you should be using to promote your poetry. - this community has exploded and is rivaling Google and Facebook for popularity of use. In fact it has become such an important part of traffic generation and relationship building, that all the top topics at seminars have a twitter expert on board.

It is a fast way to update users with instant messages, or tell them what you're up to, events you are going to, exchange tips, tricks and ideas, and so much more.

You have 140 characters to get the message out fast, and often, and it is a great tool.

Go here:
Tracy Repchuk's Twitter Page

start your own free account, and select the follow me option.
You will get a feel for what it is, and what you can use it for to promote yourself, and poetry.

If you're thinking how do I share my poetry in 140 characters, simply create a blog post on your blog or where ever and post your poem and create a link you put in your twitter message to drive readers there.

Use this tool to create a small link:

Here is a sample twitter post:
Read my latest poem "I am a wild child" at and see me Saturday Burlington, ON )

Plus you can also have your twitter post autofeed to your Facebook page if you have one. If you don't that's next.

Check out my page: Tracy Repchuk's Facebook Page

AAnd yes, both of these are good for poets.

I know if Nikhil isn't already using this, he will go wild with it.

Tracy Repchuk
President of the Canadian Federation of Poets

PS - Join today and get educated on how to promote your poetry

Canadian Federation of Poets