Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Find out What are the Best Resources for Writers

Writer's Digest just released the 2009 Best resources for writers.

Check them out

Best Resources for Writers

Tracy Repchuk
President of the Canadian Federation of Poets

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

June Canadian Federation of Poets Newsletter

Tons happening with the Federation of Poets members - check it out and then get the whole newsletter at - June Federation of Poets Newsletter


If you are a CFP member with exciting news, let us know. Send an email with the news in it, and a subject line of CFP Member News.

Tracy Repchuk -

* May 16-17 - Appeared at
Dreams to Reality Success Summit
* Appeared on broadcast TV news stations nationwide (USA) for an internet search piece put together by Eyewitness News

Nikhil Parekh
* interview appeared online in the United States at The Interview can be read online at Lulu by clicking on: Nikhil Parekh article

Stephen Gill -
* Presented his poetry on peace at Cornwall Public Library

Debbie Ouellet-
* April 11th, The Vaughan Poets’ Circle launched their new poetry anthology Earth to the Moon which Debbie edited and contains five of her poems.
* Debbie was asked to be a regular monthly contributor to the Truthseekers section of the blog Culture Unplugged where she writes about language, poetry and culture.
* Debbie Ouellet’s first picture book, How Robin Saved Spring, was named ‘Book of the Month’ in Cookie Magazine and ‘Kid’s Pick of the Month’ on in April 2009.

March 20th, How Robin Saved Spring was reviewed on the blog, Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast where the reviewer included Debbie’s poem “Queen Anne’s Lace”.
On March 25th, Debbie did a presentation on writing poetry to 52 Grade-Six students at Woodbridge Public School in Woodbridge, Ontario.
Helen Barlev
* Voices Israel has a new website

Ed Roberts -

* His latest poem "Silence" was featured by the SOP, Student Operated Press, as an article and was listed on the front page of their site.

* Also framed copies of his poem "Memorial"
which appeared in my latest book Whispers, Tears, Prayers and Hope, and presented them to The Veterans Memorial Hospital and the Veterans Center in Norman,

Lori A May -

* The Ambassador Poetry Project, a new online periodical featuring writers from Ontario and Michigan, is accepting submissions for its launch issue. Emerging and established poets welcome in all styles. Poetic narrative and digital artwork is also welcome. Emails containing attachments will not be opened. Please review the guidelines at

Monday, June 01, 2009

Canadian Federation of Poets Author Tony Hellman

The Awakening is more then a book of eloquent poetic words, it is a life style.

What makes Tony’s work so different is that his writing style is motivational, inspirational, and his channeled messages clearly come through in his poems. His message is based on two basic truths, love and fear. These are the only emotions we face each and every day.

Tony chooses love, and works with poetry as a tool to teach others how to tame fear. This book will have a powerful affect on its readers. It will cause an emotional release, eliminating layers of pain. His words motivate you to take action and realize that superlative person that lives in each and every one of us. Tony says, “I ask you not to believe a word I say, as it is based on my experiences and life journey. You need to make your own decisions.”

Read what others are saying about The Awakening….testimonials are posted on

This paperback is available at
Barnes & Noble, and

ISBN: 9781438966342

Signed copies available at Tony Hellman Awakenings

From Tracy Repchuk

Canadian Federation of Poets Founder and President

PS - Join today - Join the Federation of Poets and get promoted